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Old December 2nd, 2016, 08:27 AM
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goddess of ducks goddess of ducks is offline
It’s ya boi nighty
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
for @Nighty

Owlkit padded into the territory, the tip of her fluffy tail going back and forth at a pretty rapid speed. She turned her grey blue hues onto Storkpaw, to see if he was with her at the moment. "It's so pretty out here, isn't it?" She asked with a small mew of pleasure. It was true; it was absolutely gorgeous out here. She loved the way that the light shone through the trees, and how calm and peaceful it seemed...she hadn't thought it would be possible, but it was. How pretty could it get out here? She awaited Storkpaw's reply, and her hues seemed to light up as she remembered his promise of taking her to see the "best spots in the territory." If it was already so perfect-looking here, what did those spots look like?
Storkpaw followed close behind her. He was happy she had agreed to do this with him, and now for the real reason they came. He gave a nod of approval and agreement as he watched her gaze up at the large trees of the forest. It seemed one way the lay in ashes, or all the leaves had burned away, but then the other lay the untouched forest that hadn't been burned by the fire. He flicked his tail and began padding towards the Riverclan border. "We'll stop by the river first, I always found it rather interesting." He mewed beginning to lead the way.
~Mony will forever be my Twin Star~
~~ yo it’s nighty ~~
~~ I’m trying to come back. All my character will be scrapped and I’ll be starting over. Some of my characters will remain in Starclan, all my main ones. They’re open for roleplay if you would like that. Other than that I’m starting over completely. ~~
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