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Old July 27th, 2019, 05:07 PM
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CloverFlame CloverFlame is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan | WindClan Border

Originally Posted by King of the Untamed View Post

"I'm sorry... I swear I saw my birth parents... I could even smell them!... I'm not sure how... but my dead parents just appeared to me... I don't know how, or why, but they just... did. Please, don't think I'm crazy..." He replied, realizing that she hadn't seen what had just occurred in front of him. He sat back down, his heart still racing and his breathing fast. He knew he had seen his parents; but that couldn't be true, could it? Even if it was, was what they said true? He honestly never even thought that he was brave like a tiger, strong like a bobcat and fast like a leopard. They had said he was strong...but did they mean physically, mentally, or both?
Heatherbreeze peered at him uncertainly, he definitely seemed spooked by something. With a shake of her head, she nudged his shoulder encouragingly, “I believe you, just because I didn’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. After all, our leaders and medicine cats see things all the time and we believe them!” Heatherbreeze meowed cheerfully, trying to believe the words herself as much as convince him, he could after all be playing a joke on her, but she didn’t think he was.
(Sorry for the delay! I didn’t see the notification!)
Hello everyone! I’m sorry I’ve been inactive for so long! I’ve had a lot going on lately but I’m ready to get back into it! I’m going to be retiring my older characters(possibly putting them up for adoption) but let me know if you want to continue a roleplay with them!

Avatar Credit: My pretty kitty IRL!
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