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Old August 31st, 2019, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan | WindClan Border

Originally Posted by CloverFlame View Post

Heatherbreeze peered at him uncertainly, he definitely seemed spooked by something. With a shake of her head, she nudged his shoulder encouragingly, “I believe you, just because I didn’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. After all, our leaders and medicine cats see things all the time and we believe them!” Heatherbreeze meowed cheerfully, trying to believe the words herself as much as convince him, he could after all be playing a joke on her, but she didn’t think he was.
(Sorry for the delay! I didn’t see the notification!)
(Sorry for my delay, haven't been on in over a month oof!)
"I don't know... maybe I was just hallucinating, some of the mushroom spores in this area can do that sometimes. My older brother told me that when I was just a small kit..." he gazed off, facing north. He had lived many miles north of the Clans; for StarClan's sake he didn't remember how he found his way to ShadowClan, just that he had, and now he was here. Maybe the vision - whatever it meant - was right... maybe he was stronger than he thought...

He turned to look at Heatherbreeze. "Sometimes, now that the monster known as Nightmare has finally passed away... I think about just abandoning the Clans, and living in the den that I grew up in... but... It's not like there is anything their for me... just memories..." He sighed. It was getting late, and he needed to get back to ShadowClan. "I'll be taking my leave. Maybe I'll see you later?"

"A creature of the future, made from pieces of the past. Ladies and gentlemen, please be warned: this is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures that have ever walked the Earth. We call it... the Indoraptor. The perfect weapon for the modern age."
- Gunnar Eversol, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
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