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Old September 5th, 2019, 02:44 PM
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Default Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post
A smirk lightly pulled at his maw at her words, unexpectedly Whiteshadow enjoyed the youngsters, they brought an unusual sense of hope to his heart. To say the warrior's bark was worse then than his bite would be a lie, but those brave enough to strike up a conversation with him would find a gentle yet blunt and gruff type of tom, whose appearance did not always match his personality. His ear twitched, like shooing a fly, as she spoke of their current predicament.
He turned his head a little more to peer at Owlfeather before relaxing the intensity of his gaze and parting his maw, "If you need help...managing I'm always willing to lend an ear or my assistance." He did not bother commenting or asking about her health, considering that she knew how to take care of herself.
He was not overly worried about the lack of command in Shadowclan, assured that Starclan alongside Agaveheart would sort the problem out in due time. Until then he'd do his best to assist the clan and those in it as he could. Those who'd dare look down on Shadowclan would learn, no other Clan can walk the paths of the night as they do. Other Clans may be faster or stronger, but they are the most dangerous warriors: fierce, proud, and independent. He'd be willing to do what it takes to protect this great Clan.
Riverclan, however, was a different matter entirely.
"What do you think about the matter with them?" He asked, nodding in the general vicinity of Riverclan. He's heard snippets from other Shadowclan cats, bold and unthoughtful answers, Whiteshadow had put the trouble with Riverclan second to the immediate problem in the clan. Though he had had his own thoughts, he would not mind hearing her thought. However, would not pester Owlfeather if she wished to avoid the topic.
"You're a senior warrior, too, you know. I'd hope that you'd be helping out regardless of whether I needed it or not." The phrase may have come off kind of cranky, but there was no malice or anger in her tone. The predicament had brought a fair amount of overly-proud, power-hungry cats who seemed to leap at the opportunity to seize control. That included cats from other clans, apparently. The fur along her spine bristled briefly when she thought of the RiverClan deputy. She'd like to get the opportunity to claw his fur off, and stifle that surge of pride that had gone to his head. And I thought MY clan was prideful... she took a deep breath and let her fur lie flat again. No point in stirring up unnecessary drama; she would keep her distasteful thoughts to herself.
"The matter with them, I think, ultimately we brought their wrath down upon us. It's almost as if...Well, part of me wonders if the loss of our leaders was StarClan's punishment for our clanmates trying to move the border. I wish Windystar would have done something to stop it before it got so out of hand. But that prey has been caught, and we must move forward. RiverClan may be aggressive and strong, but I feel that their thick-headed pride will be the downfall of their plans. They mustn't think that we can't defend ourselves." She caught herself droning on again. She realized that she'd left all of these thoughts internalized, and hadn't voiced them to any cat. It felt good to get it all out of her fur. She was silently grateful for Whiteshadow's patience listening to her.

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