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Old September 9th, 2019, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by tutler View Post
( OPEN !! )

The clouds grumbled ominously in the dark, as if foreshadowing the state of Shadowclan. Thunder cackled as lightning lit up the sky for a few split seconds before plunging the forest back into the darkness. The white tom had stationed himself near the entrance of camp far more anxious then usual. It smelled like a storm.. and not just the one in the sky.
Shadowclan itself had been tossed into a period of darkness, It's very life was held in a delicate balance.. and it had been tampered with. Like the storm brewing just above the jagged stones, anxiously the cats waited. Waited for something to happen, someone, anybody to step up to the plate and steer them out of this. However as time prelacy marched on the window of opportunity seemed to slim, as more and more rouges trickled onto their borders and the power struggle continued to upset the elder warriors, tension erupted in small fights leaving cats more battered and hopeless.

So he watched and waited for that small silver linning in the clouds. However small Troutsplash was regularly he seemed even tinier now. His ribs jutted out from his stark white coat and his eyes seemed dull from exhaustion. The lack of hunting had been taking its toll on most. Sided with his new found task of waiting by the entrance for cats to trickle in he found his energy and will to continue depleting. Perhaps Shadowclan would end up like Skyclan, moving into Thunderclan or perhaps even Windclan in search of refuge and order. He'd already heard chatter about it. It was only a matter of time before the storm erupted and the clan tossed into chaos and disarray.. perhaps even more then it already was.
So strange to have so many clan-shaking events happen at once, and so soon after Dampbark's warrior ceremony. He had barely any time to 'enjoy' the new role of warrior before Windystar was mauled at the border by a dog, and Forestshade stepped down as deputy, effectively leaving the clan without much form of leadership, aside from the senior warriors and the medicine cat. And yet, the young warrior couldn't bring himself to worry, in fact, he saw it as a fascinating opportunity to talk to other cats and make friends in this time of turmoil. The cats of the clan were anxious, ready to talk to anyone they could, bubble out the worry they had trapped inside themselves of the future of their clan. Would they end up like Skyclan, piling themselves onto another clan, or would they end up like the Dusk Syndicate, totally disbanding and leaving them effectively loners, no order or control? A fascinating idea. But the thing that Dampbark wanted to do most right now, was cozy up to others and have as many allies as possible. Who knows what the future had in store.
Gaze flickering up past the tall, evergreen trees, the tom with short, damp-looking fur caught the flash of lightning, his spine tingling with excitement. This weather always got cats riled up and ready to talk out of nervousness. Edging out into the clearing, his yellow eyes raked across the scene, finding cats huddled together, talking in hushed whispers as if they were afraid that the very sound of their voice would cause the storm, both physically and metaphorically, to break and unleash hell upon them.

Having no intentions of butting into a group that had already formed, Dampbark instead began to head towards the camp entrance. Though he himself was not assigned to watch duty, there was always at least one cat there. Surely whoever was guarding was lonely, perhaps even frightened of the current weather events. Putting on his own expression that looked both worried and eager to sate the 'worry' with a good conversation, the tom with swirled brown fur edged closer to the white tom posted at the camp entrance. "D-Do.. You think this storm is an omen, that Starclan is angry with our clan for something?" His voice drifted out as he approached Troutsplash, his gaze looking upwards, as if he were expecting the downpour and lightning to come at any moment.

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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