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Old September 17th, 2019, 10:25 PM
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Dirtfur Dirtfur is offline
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Question Re: ShadowClan Training Ground

Originally Posted by little-life-light View Post

The gray-and-white apprentice looked excitedly over at Redpaw, her tail straight up in the air with anticipation. She barely noticed the glint of unease as it flickered into exhilaration at the request, and she figured the tom was probably nervous at the thought of a fight. But, if that was the case, then was he faking the excitement? Or maybe he was nervous just from meeting them? She couldn't tell, and she didn't want to linger in her thoughts, instead turning her focus on the enormous white warrior.

Bright yellow eyes watched the tom intently, her body almost completely motionless as she waited for an answer. The senior warrior remained silent after a long moment and a heavy sigh, before looking to her mentor. Raising her brows, the scottish fold also turned her attention to Snowfrost, curious what she would say. Though her mentor was watching Redpaw for some reason. She glanced curiously over at the other apprentice, flicking her eyes back to Snowfrost as she spoke.

A cheeky grin spread across Rabbitpaw's features at the question. Sure, battle training with Snowfrost was enlightening and she always walked away feeling even stronger than before having learned something new. But training with another apprentice sounded absolutely thrilling. She could use the moves she's learned and try out ones she's only seen or thought of. And most importantly, she had a higher chance of coming out successful. With Snowfrost, winning a spar seemed far out of her reach, and definitely wouldn't happen anytime soon unless she had a stroke of incredible luck. Redpaw was a different story. Even though he was about a moon older and probably had more fighting experience, she at least had a shot.

"Oh, I can take him."
Redpaw saw the grin on Rabbitpaw's muzzle then pricked his ear at the Scottish fold apprentice's reply. The red furball studied Snowfrost's apprentice and thoughted, 'Cause you're an moon or two older than her, it doesn't mean you can defeat her.

The Selkirk rex took a couple of pawsteps away from the grey-and-white apprentice; all paws inches apart, aching with readiness. Redpaw twisted their head to their part-time mentor, giving Whiteshadow a I won't let you down gleam in his eye.
"Ready?" The prepared apprentice asked as he turned his eyes over to Rabbitpaw.
@Moonraven @little-life-light

Last edited by Dirtfur; September 18th, 2019 at 04:31 PM.