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Old October 5th, 2019, 08:31 PM
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Moon Lily Moon Lily is offline
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Default Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by |+Tired Rose Child+| View Post
Lostscar padded through the territory, starlight swirling around their large paws. They paused a moment to give their chest fur a few licks, then continued onwards, contentedly watching the sunlight dapple the surface of the starry water. A smile appeared on their maw, and they lowered their head to lap up a bit of the water until they got their full. As they continued to pad along, they came to a bush, and a she-cat lay underneath it. Lostscar went up to the bush, peering underneath to see a sad Lilyfur. Their heart ached at seeing their friend like this, so they slipped underneath the bush as well, with a little bit of a struggle due to their large size. Once they reached her, they settled beside her, laying a comforting tail over her back. "What's the matter?," they asked quietly, worried that they may disturb her if they were too loud.
Lilyfur shivered involuntarily, as she felt Lostscar's tail settle along her shoulder blades. She was grateful they were here. The wind shifted, and the warm air swam above them, awakening the leaves and helping them soar into the wind. The leaves cluttered away, together, into the distance. That's what I want to do... Lilyfur thought longingly. I want to fly away with the wind, to be with somebody, to be out in the world. I- She thought again, pausing. She shook out her pely, ridding those thoughts. That wasn't going to happen. She could never escape. Her ears flattened against her head.
"Lostscar, I don't know what to do anymore." She mewed hysterically, "Starclan is a paradise, isn't it? But what happens when you're forgotten? Where do you go? Why can't you visit the living cats you've missed so much? Why does it seem like a curse to be here, day after day? I may just be selfish, but I... " She continued, her pelt fluffing up. She moved closer to Lostscar, glancing down into the never-ending depths of the water. She laughed softly.
"I'm a real big mess."

@|+Tired Rose Child+|

❝shine bright, little star.❞

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Last edited by Moon Lily; October 5th, 2019 at 08:32 PM.
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