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Old November 19th, 2019, 01:41 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by canine View Post


[ Apologies for the wait, guys!! ]

Lynxsight was hunting, her pinkish nose nearly touching the damp, browning ground as she plodded through the territory. Muddy, wet grass brushed past her tabby pelt, but she hardly noticed-- once her mind was set on working, it was hard for her to snap out of it until she completed the task. Unfortunately today, prey seemed ever-ellusive. Not a single fresh scent.

After a while, she lifted her mud-streaked head, sighing in defeat. Perhaps I should move to another part of the territory, she thought dejectedly, right before she heard two little voices carried to her by the breeze. She swiveled her head in their direction, her brow immediately furrowed in confusion and worry. "Kits? Noo, it can't be.." But she heard them, clear as day, even if she couldn't spot the culprits. Quickly, she padded toward them. A warrior must be with them! she told herself, but she continued until she burst through the grass and weeds and found herself facing two little kits-- alone.

"What are you two doing?! Are you alone out here?" she demanded, marching right up to them with her tail lashing. Her eyes moved around the area, searching in vain for an adult, still in disbelief that they could be so naughty. "Don't you know how much trouble you could get into out here?"
Alpinekit was bouncing up and down excitedly, clinging to Goatkit in fear of having his tail stolen. "Mean Shadowclan warriors wouldn't be in Windclan territory!" He huffed defiantly.

He stayed close to Goatkit, but fear make him unsheathe his claws and almost dig them into the paws of the other kit. He missed, thankfully and froze in fear as the warrior emerged from the grass suddenly, his eyes widening and filling with fear. He even grave a cry of fear to try and alert something, really anything nice because he had closed his eyes. He only noticed the she was a windclan warrior when she spoke about a warrior not being with them. The knot in his stomach released and he clung to Goatkits leg.

"....ah-I--a.." Only Sounds could escape the still in shock kit. He even shook slightly, taking deep breathes