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Old November 19th, 2019, 07:10 PM
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Ever Ever is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Athena dashed after her brother she panted as she caught up to him, slowing to a stop beside him and looking back at where theyd come from. It all seemed very crushingly real for a moment. The fact that they were free now, that they were in the cold, they only had rumours to believe to guide them to their destination, there were so many unknowns. She shivered, her lungs felt like fire after all the running in the shockingly cold air. She could see what she thought was their twolegnest, though she'd never seen it from the outside. She was just guessing based on what she'd run by. She wanted to remember, just in case.

Then the moment of longing and regret over, Athena sucked in an icy breath and puffed her chest out. "I can't believe we did it!" Athena said proudly. It felt as though they were on top of the world. "Though we'd better get a move on, it's so cold. I didn't expect it to be so cold." She shivered, looking back to the trees. "Let's go try to find these clans, hopefully they'll take us in. I'm sure they will!"

The stars were starting to twink out at the night. Athena craned her neck back to she could get a better look as she started padding alongside her brother into the thick forest ahead of them. They winked down at her, shining brighter then duller. Some were brighter than others. She wondered where they cam from... Her eyes returned to the dark woods before the two kittens, her golden eyes turning black as her pupils dialated. They had made it to the edge of the trees. The smells of the forest, so close had her senses in a whirlwind. She'd never smelled so many things at once, and yet heard such quiet stillness.

"Are you ready Merlin?"


Last edited by Ever; November 19th, 2019 at 07:10 PM.
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