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Old November 20th, 2019, 10:06 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Breezerock

Originally Posted by Fuzzy View Post

After she was sure none of the warriors wanted to talk to her about anything she looked over at her new apprentice again. A smile on her muzzle. He had looked so nervous during the ceremonies and she guessed part of it was because she had saved his ceremony for last. The little tom kit never was to sociable. At least from what she knew.
Seeing as he made his way towards her a little bit Brightstar waved her tail behind her, closing the distance between them so she could touch her nose to his. "I look forward to training you Nightpaw." The molly told him taking a step back. "Don't worry about being the 'leaders apprentice'. I'll try my best to give you a normal apprenticeship and make sure you become a proper warrior one day." She added a slight laugh to herself. The creamy molly was in a good mood. Not only had she gave herself a new apprentice, but Snailblossom was now a warrior. She couldn't be prouder of her. If things kept going as they where currently maybe things wouldn't be bad. She seemed to be doing an okay job as leader so far. Though she did need to pick a deputy soon, she had someone in mind but she wanted to ask them first. It'd be too embarrassing if they rejected her mid ceremony.
Pulling herself from her thoughts the molly looked back down at the little black tom. "So what do you want to do first?" She asked. "A tour of our territory? Fix yourself a nest in the apprentice den o-" Her voice cut off as she realized something. Oh. Right. Nightpaw was mute! Letting out an awkward chuckle she tried to come up with a separate way of finding out what he wanted to do. "Sorry about that." She apologized. She had gotten carried away. "How about this. Touch my right paw if you want to go see the territory," Holding out her right paw she paused a moment. "And if you want to do something else like fix your nest, touch my left." Brightstar instructed, sitting so she could hold out both paws.
One reason why she had decided to become his mentor was because she wanted to make sure whoever got him would take the time to train him properly, communicate with him. Look silly as you tried to find ways for hi to answer. She wanted someone to be dedicated to the young town. Who else would be better then herself? Now she had to figure out how to train him. One thing she'd learned is each cat learns differently. She learned different then her past apprentice Shadefern had learned and seeing other cats it was apparent not every method worked for every cat.
The important thing was that Brightsar would have fun and hoped Nightpaw would too. Who knows maybe she'd get him to be more social one day.

Nightpaw froze lightly during the second their noses touched, not at all being used to physical contact. He hadn't gotten much of it from his mother, who had only allowed him to nurse when absolutely necessary. Thus, physical contact had become a negative thing for him at this point. But he knew it was part of the ceremony and thus did not pull back from it. As soon as Brightstar stepped back, he did the same. He kept their distance fair, but also out of paw reach, for now. He couldn't be more relieved that nothing of what had come to mind, had actually happened.
Another thing that made him relieved, was the fact that he had gotten her. Someone he knew, someone whose voice he had heard before. Whose images had already passed through his mind. He had nothing to fear from her, or at least so he thought for now. He wasn't so sure he knew the full extent of the ability he thought to be normal. He had never had anyone to talk about it with and thus didn't know if there was more, or less even, to it.
The fact that she commented on being a leader's apprentice made his mouth twitch into a slight smile. It was as if she had read his mind, but he was sure that he would've seen such an ability in images, in case she had it. He started absent-mindedly pawing at the ground as he listened and observed. When she explained a way for him to reply and choose an option, he couldn't help but blink. All his life, his conversations had been short-lived due to his lack of, or at least chosen lack of speech, and other cats becoming bored of him because of it.
While he wanted to go fix himself a nest and get the best spot in the back of the den, he was also considering the fact that his mentor might become busy if he let down this opportunity. He peered at the outstretched paws, one ear flickering lightly as he reached forward with one of his own, to touch Brightstar's right paw. He'd choose the territory for now. Granted he was a little scared of it all, as he had never stepped foot outside of camp. He knew how some kits got to go out with their parents once in a while, not far but still, they got outside. He had always refused when such an opportunity had risen, knowing he would just trail behind the others and be ignored, once again due to his lack of talking.
The small kit looked forward to seeing the outside of the camp, however. Being an apprentice would give him the possibility to go out when he wanted to, at least when there was nothing dangerous in the territory. And being able to go out into the territory, be it for runs, hunts or just aimlessly walking, would give him an even better way to escape all the voices of the other cats.
Best to know the territory if he were to do such a thing.
I concentrate mostly on WoW RP, so my replies here are quite slow and for that I apologize <3 I try to reply when I can, but it may take days or weeks, I am sorry.

I live in a completely different time zone than 90% of the people on here, as I'm in Denmark (Europe) compared to you Americans.
I usually have WoW events in the evenings where my creativity is the highest, which takes away time to reply here, hence the very slow replies.