Thread: Lionsbeach
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Old December 8th, 2019, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Lionsbeach

Originally Posted by hxneysuckle View Post
[ @The Cannibal @Nebby ]
[ Moving the patrol along to here so it doesn't die out! ]

Minnowmist's pawsteps were shaky as she made her way toward the assigned destination, looking back to make sure that her patrol members were keeping up with her. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and allowed her eyes to dart back and forth, a frown making its way to her lips. What if something jumps out at us? Will we make it back alive? I don't want to go missing like all those other warriors! She squeaked as something rustled near her, but the silver molly soom realized that it was simply her own pawsteps. Her heart pounded and she glanced at the other two, hoping that they didn't see her get startled.
"Wh- Where should we h- head to first?" she asked, focusing on Yarrowpounce. He was the leader of the patrol, after all, so she trusted him to make the decisions. And keep us alive. She felt her heart skip a beat. "W- We have to g- get these borders s- set quickly s- so Lionstar doesn't g- get mad at us." Her ears lowered at the thought of being yelled at by the golden leader, fear shining in her eyes. She shuffled her paws and slowed to a stop, awaiting an answer from Yarrowpounce before continuing onwards.
Originally Posted by Nebby View Post
Scarfang followed, his pawsteps sure and purposeful. He waited for the rest of the patrol, sitting down and licking his paws and drawing them.over his ears.
{I apologize for not posting; finals week, but afterwards I should be fine!}

Yarrowpounce was surprised that Lionstar wanted him to lead another patrol, was the tom trying to get him used to not sitting in the back or something? He wasn't made for this kind of thing, or at least he didn't think he was. Most of the time other cats ignored him, he was always too uncertain and didn't have much of a backbone when it came to opinions. Sighing softly, his paws carried him forward with the other two cats on the patrol. They were to expand Riverclan territory over to the beach, surely a place the other clans wouldn't miss. But the tom couldn't help but worry and think they were expanding too much. How would they be able to consistently patrol this extra area, or at least patrol it well to ward off loners and predators? It was dangerous wasn't it?
Blinking out of his thoughts with Minnowmist's words, he'd look over at her before looking around. "Well I guess we can start marking on any um, large rocks we come across.. And the trees, we have to make sure it's strong so the other clans know that it belongs to Riverclan.. I'm not sure how far along we should go, but ah.. Lets just start marking. K-Keep an eye out for loners, and hawks, I hear they like the water because there's more fish." Briefly he'd glance to the cloudy sky before padding in the direction of a beach tree, deciding that was a good place to start marking.

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