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Old January 20th, 2020, 09:24 AM
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touka touka is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by vermin View Post
[catching uppp-!]

His eyes twinkled, what a quick witted feline. It usually takes a long time before some cat response to him or they just walk away. "Many questions but all can wait for now..," his voice was overlapped by some shouting cats. He quickly spun around to see the leader publicly at it with another cat! What a show. "Excuse me, dear Duskfeather. But, who is that fellow over there?" the tom's gaze focused solely on what's going on, not even breaking sight to glance at his mentor. He imagined the two big cats clashing at each other, blood spraying in the air as they batter each other down like the savages they are and standing proudly on top has alpha male! Glass- no, Quillpaw-!, dashed up weaving and accidentally shoving passed the cats that stood quietly as they argue. The rex apprentice yellow eyes widen, shimmering in thrill to witness the outcome of all this sharaw! "Fight, fight, fight! Let's see who will be numero uno from all this war of words. Will it be Flintstar the great or this big cat here upping the leader himself. Who will win?!" Tail waving in the air he purred loudly with a bold smirk.


Sleepypaw stood quietly watching the cats gather around for training. He shuffled his paws a bit under the thin blanket of snow and sighed inwardly. Some mentors raved about how good their apprentices are yet he just gotten started and knowing himself- he is not the best at fighting let alone hunting. His tail thrashed around as if trying to shoo away the buzzing doubts thats circulating around him. Stay positive, Sleepypaw..
@RedHead @Shimm @touka @hxneysuckle @vermin @WaywardAngel @Dirtfur
dustpaw was not sure what to do, he knew some about fighting but now he just sat there as the group of cats started to chat
Hey this is my wc family pm me to join
@dirtfur the welcoming robot
@silentlamb the kind @MagicCat99 the crazy cat lady
@sliversnow the shy
@ponyapan The stabby roomba @Shimm the Caring @skye the fofie furry @beck the hobit