Thread: The Starcave
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Old January 22nd, 2020, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: The Starcave

Life Four
@Moonraven @Fuzzy

As Pebblepool returned to her spot, an unassuming molly got to her paws - a pleasant, yet somewhat amused light in her mismatched blue and yellow eyes. Her golden-brown tabby pelt was a bit more faded than some of the other ancestors, but something about the way she moved and the way her eyes gleamed gave her a youth that her transparent body didn't quite posses.

"Hello, Twilightshine." She purred in greeting as she came to a stop in front of the soon-to-be-leader. "I'm Sweetbreeze." She paused for a moment, before continuing with another soft look. "You probably don't remember me, you were only an apprentice when I left." Her gaze turned to land on something just beyond the circle of ancestors, and a warm smile blossomed across her features. "I left because I fell in love." She spoke, turning back to Twilightshine. "But he and I were from different clans, and that's frowned upon as you may know." She let out a little laugh at that, as if she hadn't committed a scandalous crime against the warrior code.

"So we left our clans to be together without fear of what our clanmates would say. And for a time we were happy. But..." She let out a sigh, a remorseful sadness starting to darken her naturally bright expression. "But when I was pregnant with our kit, my mate was discovered hunting on his old clan's territory. Prey was scarce, you see. He had gone out hunting again because I couldn't move in the state I was in."

"It...was an accident. They didn't mean to kill him, but it happened never-the-less." She took a deep breath, glancing once more outside the group for the one thing that could calm her nerves before starting again. "Not long after I had my son, I came down with some sickness that ate away at me. And it wasn't long after that before I lost the strength to take care of him." Her eyes glistened with the memory, but she took a deep breath and pulled herself together. "I love WindClan." She made eye contact with the fawn-gray she-cat, a fierce sort of commitment in her voice. "It was my home before I left, and I still consider it my home. So," she took a breath, the fierceness fading as a quiet resilience took it's place, "I gave my son the chance to become the warrior I failed to be." She shook her head and a light chuckle bubbled out of her chest. "Well, I believe that's enough rambling from a dead queen."

She looked back up at Twilightshine, but this time her gaze held a certain seriousness that hadn't been there before. "With this life, I give you the gift to cherish. Cherish the young ones, raise them well and in turn they will carry the clan to greatness long after you've gone."
She reached forward, gently pressing her nose against the future leader's.

A soft, comforting warmth would spread through Twilightshine, surrounding her like a young kit swaddled in its mothers fur. Then, without warning, it would turn white hot, a mixture of pride, anguish, pressure, and pain all rolled up into a bone-crackling intensity. But just as soon as the heat came, it would disappear, leaving a faint, lingering warmth throughout her body.

As Sweetbreeze took a step back, she smiled once more at Twilightshine, "Oh, and take care of my son would you? Goatkit can be a bit of a handful at times, but he means well." And with that, the queen turned and took her place once more among the ring of starry cats.

"Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart,
then that creation is given a soul."
- The Cat Returns

i recently started a new job alongside my college classes,
so my time on the site will be limited to after 5pm CST and whatever time i can spare on the weekends.
please bear with me while i try to respond to any and all posts <3

previous username: little-life-light

Last edited by mochi; January 22nd, 2020 at 09:27 PM.
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