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Old February 13th, 2020, 09:08 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by psyche View Post
Larksong slowly stepped out of the leader's den, just having completed her border patrol assessment and report to Twilightstar. She shook her head as the cold air brushed against her fluffy cheeks, instantly regretting not moping around Twlightstar's den for a little longer. At least it was warm in there, she thought with a huff, stretching out her cold limbs. First the entire patrol on the snow, and now I have to find something to do with myself before I freeze to death in camp, she thought, trotting towards the middle of camp.

She glanced around the camp, looking for something to do, or at least someone to talk to in order to take her mind off of the freezing cold. She noticed Dunepaw sniffing around the nursery, and slowly came up behind him, maybe even a little too quietly. She noticed that his gaze was a little out there, as if he was daydreaming about something. "What are you waiting for, the kits to invite you to a game of mossball?" she joked, giving the apprentice a kind smile.
the tom jumped a little, as if the she-cat's voice had startled him much more than it should have—in all honesty, it had, but he wasn't planning on saying anything about that. smoothing his fur down as best he could, and trying to appear nonchalant about the whole thing, dunepaw offered up a smile instead. "not exactly," he mewed in response, with a short laugh. sure, he could see where she might think that—truth be told, dunepaw wouldn't have been opposed to a game of moss-ball, but that wasn't the important thing to remember here.

"what about you? waiting around to see if any of the queens need help, or just looking around?" the tom asked. it was a worthwhile question, he supposed, albeit one that probably wasn't polite by any standards—politeness was not dunepaw's area of expertise, not by any definition. still, he offered the she-cat another smile (as if that would make up for any rude remarks), and settled for giving his fur a couple of good licks before he re-initiated eye contact with her.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.