Thread: The Starcave
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Old March 3rd, 2020, 08:27 AM
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the tale of six.
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Default Re: The Starcave

Caution @BILL.
Duskfeather could only close her eyes as the life passed through her. It was a foreign feeling, striking through her slowly, as though the life itself was remaining cautious. The Torbie's tail fluffed up and she swallowed, her mouth suddenly feeling dry. A vision formed within her mind- that of a red-brown tabby, a blood-spattered land. Chaos and screaming echoed in Duskfeather's ears, bringing her to gasp. As soon as the madness had formed, it was replaced by that of hesitation before she felt as though she were being crushed. Every action, every word that was said, it would determine how the Clan was viewed following such a dark time in history- the darkest time. In a heartbeat, she was ripped from the vision to see that the next StarClan cat had approached.
Intuition @implimm
She certainly didn't recognize this queen, though as she saw the kit that the she-cat grasped, Duskfeather felt sadness course through her. The to-be leader's ears flattened and she felt the queen's nose touch to hers. That voice inside you is never going to fail you... She would remember that. The future which awaited her was not to be taken as a joke- she was to be the new ThunderClan leader, and their lives depended on each choice she made. And as the life soaked through every bit of her body, Duskfeather could barely hold back the tears that threatened to fall. The overbearing grief, and yet the sureness of the decision of which had to be made. The queen following her intuition.
Compassion @FlameQueen
Duskfeather did recognize the next cat to step up- a ThunderClan tom, Flamepelt's father. She had never spoken to him much in his life, only having the occasional passing or being assigned to a patrol together. The she-cat's head nodded in greeting to the tom. She knew his daughter quite well given her... quite horrible choice in mates. Duskfeather's ears flattened at the thought of the kits Flamepelt held- she didn't trust them at all. They were the offspring of a violent tom, one who was murdered at his exile. She allowed her eyes to narrow, but she listened to Blazestorm closely. Her lids fell closed as he touched his nose to hers, the life bringing along a vision. Duskfeather sunk her claws into the starry land below her as boiling rage and mourning filled her, the image of what she could presume to be Blazestorm's death materializing within her mind. She opened her eyes again, rocking from side to side. Goodness, she was already so exhausted...
As Blazestorm stepped back, she nodded to him- she would do as he said. Surely Flamepelt would be glad to know her father was still looking over her from StarClan.
Sensitivity @Fae
With the next cat to step forward, she almost choked with sadness. Snailkit. His death had been horrible, starving during the games. He had brought her to want to take leadership, to prevent any more deaths such as his from happening. Duskfeather allowed herself to bend down slightly, making it easier for the kit to touch his nose to hers. Each emotion that coursed through her brought her heart to beat faster. Exhaustion weighed down at her paws and yet she felt stronger all the same. She watched Snailkit fade into the stars, nodding to him with a remorseful expression- he shouldn't have died. He had been far too young to join StarClan's ranks. But it was too late now, and she could only use her leadership to prevent such events from happening further.
Resilience @Starfall
She felt as though she should have remembered the next tom to approach, but she couldn't. The memory was fuzzy; if it was even there. Her tail flicked in greeting at the chipper tom's appearance. Duskfeather admired his attitude. Resilience- she would need it. Her demand for Flintstar to step down had torn the Clan apart, broken their trust in her. And so she would need to step back up, to rebuild her reputation and allow her Clanmates to believe in her once more. As his nose touched to hers, Duskfeather clenched her jaw, hissing with the waves and waves of pain that clawed at her body. She still found herself holding her head high, however, despite the urge to curl up and hope for the pain to end. Once her eyes opened again, the pain gone in an instant, the next cat had already stepped forward.
Serenity @pathos
Duskfeather briefly observed the she-cat, a sense of familiarity coursing through her despite having never seen this warrior before. She was almost thankful that the life had not brought along a vision. Instead, the Torbie relished in the peaceful warmth that flooded her mind. If she wasn't already asleep, it surely would have lulled her to rest. However, the warmth began to grow into searing hot pain and Duskfeather was surprised she hadn't melted right then and there. It was suffocating- she couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. And yet, just as it had appeared, it was gone once more, leaving Duskfeather with the peace she had formerly held.
Appreciation @Arie
With the former elder's life, she was grateful. It was easy and painless, with no vision to come along. Duskfeather couldn't help the sigh of relief that breathed through her lips. She allowed the appreciation of her home, the food she ate, the kits who were birthed and the deaths who were mourned, to flow into every nook and cranny of her spirit. A smile pulled at her lips and she nodded to Eaglefeather, a farewell and wish for the former elder's eternal rest.
Patience @Ever
She was exhausted. Who knew that such a ceremony could be so tiring? Duskfeather allowed herself to remain strong, however. There were two more lives to go, and although she was ready to sleep for a moon, she would keep her head up, her chest puffed, her posture straightened formally. The Torbie'ss nose wriggled as the next she-cat walked up, waving her tail in greeting. The journey had been quite the difficult one, she couldn't deny. But she the one ahead would be far more difficult. Kitten steps would need to be taken, and with the life of patience, she could do so. The careful planning, the awaited decisions, they accompanied the pain and sorrow that struck Duskfeather's spirit. She would think before she acted, a thing she had not done before. But from now on, for the good of the Clan, she would do so.
Truthfulness @RedHead
The final life, bestowed upon her by Flintspirit. Duskfeather shared a smile with the former leader, her deputy. Together they would allow ThunderClan to grow strong once more. She felt his nose touch to hers and accepted the life with closed eyes, the power, the determination to prove herself reliable to her Clan shaking her entire form. Duskfeather stayed still until the feeling fell into a faint tingle, her nine lives now giving her strength. The life ahead was not to be taken lightly, and she was ready to take on the burden. For the Clan, for Flintstar, for her family and her friends. She would prove herself to them once more. ThunderClan would be as powerful as it had been before.

With Burningstar's words, Duskfeather- no, Duskstar bowed her head thankfully. She was to lead ThunderClan now, with the blessing of StarClan and Flintspirit by her side. ThunderClan was now hers to protect.
And with that, the starry land around her faded, and she woke up in the Starcave with a gasp. Duskstar blinked away the blur within her hazel gaze and rose to her paws, stretching. It was time to face the Clan with her newfound lives, her newfound rank, her newfound name. She was now Duskstar, leader of ThunderClan. And so she turned to Flintspirit with a smile.
"Let's go home."

the tale of six
has come to an end.

ameko ♥
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