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Old March 9th, 2020, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Pepperkins View Post


The tom's fur bristled sharply as he cast a side glance at Wildfang angrily. Great, he didn't know how she knew, but she knew that this was punishment. "No one told you to be a brat, yet you are, so how do you know I'm not choosing to do this?" he hissed, shuffling the moss more messily now. Fur flew everywhere adding to the mix of fitting cats. He refused to give into this fleabag's demands even if it were the last thing he did today. He only took directions from two cats, and those two were Icestar and sometimes Beastspark. Well, occasionally Beastspark. Finally getting the two piles seperate, Squirrelear picked up the dirty moss and took it out the den to rid the camp of later. He made sure to give it a shake as he was walking past the calico, sending fur everywhere.

Upon return, Squirrelear immediately noticed he had left some of the dirty moss behind and started to grumble in frustration. Suddenly, he smirked sneakily and grabbed some of the clean moss he had brought in with him and went straight up to the nest closest to the warrior and set both the clean and dirty moss down. After giving it a couple shakes to soften it, lightly as not to shake up fur, he laid it down and mentioned a paw towards it. "There you go princess, happy now?" he meowed, trying to act kind for a split second before he walked back to the pile to fluff out the rest of the moss and starting to lay down the rest of the nests. As he awaited her realization, he snickered silently, avoiding looking at her till she laid down.
The calico she-cat scoffed at the other's retaliated venom, shaking her head, "No warrior would do this chore willingly," There was a sneer in her lips as she growled, "So you're obviously being punished. When he didn't originally make her a nest, she huffed with rage and moved off to the corner of the den to rest in the dirt, exhaustion plaguing her.

Upon his return and him making her a "fresh nest", the beautiful she-cat awoke from her doze with a large yawn. In the doziness of sleep, she gazed at him with blissful emerald eyes,"Oh.." That rage seemed to have subsided and she pushed her drowsy self to sit up. "Thank you." She bowed her head politely, going to stand to move nests, a deep sigh leaving her throat, "I apologize for snapping..." She grumbled regretfully, hanging her head low as she moved towards the new nest. She hadn't expected the other to actually make her a nest, so she wasn't about to bite the hand after he had actually done it.

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