Thread: The Starcave
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Old March 19th, 2020, 06:01 PM
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Default Re: The Starcave

How ironic was it? To be standing here after a moon of deciding that it had to be done, the reassurance perhaps that Mistyfern would take the plunge before him. Now that chance melted away in his paws like fresh snow. What a horrible and bitter way to have to go into it. He stood at the face of the cave with nothing but an awful weight like stones in his belly. It had been a day since Mistyfern had disappeared and the realization he was about to go on this medicine cat journey on his own was frightening. He had to learn everything on his own, speak to those whom he hated and be responsible for the lives of everyone in windclan. Great.

He slipped in quietly hoping the adrenaline was enough to spur him on without thinking twice. The stone was cold and the darkness enveloping him was nothing but discomforting. As he felt his way through the narrowing tunnel only guided by the sounds of dripping water. He couldn’t think, he wouldn’t think. The pounding of his heart in his chest was enough to chase away all reasonable thought. Feeling his breaths grow shorter he charged for the gleaming light and finally he burst into an open cave. The slick surface soaked with rain water and moss was a relief from the hard walked path of the slender cave entrance. He paused feeling the light adjust his eyes and the large jagged stone encased in a heavenly glow glared right back at him. It wasn’t quite as exciting as he hoped, it was well.. rather.. ominous and unsettling as opposed to beautiful.

He padded towards the stone feeling that numbness fill his heart and freeze him to the stone. Perhaps all reasonable thoughts came crashing back down onto his head in a moment. He stood stunned at the fact he’d brought himself this far without turning back. He grumbled under his breath. ”how funny.” he snorted under his breath and glanced down at his paws before chewing the inside of his cheek. Without a thought he suddenly took a staggering step forward only a toe length away from the small shimmering pool that bordered the stone. With an anxious breath he dropped into a crouch and jerked his muzzle forward against the pool. It was nearly instantaneous...

[ The Vision ]

There he was. Surrounded by the windswept moors of windclan. Beautiful and serene in its likeness. The sky was painted with beautiful orange, red, purples and blues. He didn’t feel that regular fear.. the one he knew he’d felt for the hours leading up to this. In fact he felt a rather.. calm feeling as the warm scents of springtime bathed his tongue in wonderful thoughts. Though.. was it not supposed to be some archaic ritual meeting the ancestors before him? He stood feeling the sweet grass caress his legs and the sky swirl above his head. ”hello...?” his voice echoed out into hollow existence falling on deaf ears. He was quiet a moment.. a desperate need to hear someone respond.. someone to join him out here. There.. the subtle ache of the ground beneath him...

He felt the air around him tighten and the sky above him bleed into dark reds.. it looked menacing.. far more menacing than it had been moments ago. Was this supposed to happen? The ground.. it began to tremble and before he knew it.. it began to fall away. The hills began to fall into the earth, swallowed by large waves churning and growling. Then.. there it was emerging from between the fractures of the earth.. its beady amber eyes and foaming muzzle. A coyotes head emerged soaked with blood of clanmates. He could not move.. he could not scream.. there was nowhere to go.. nothing to do but watch. Large knashing teeth reached for the crumbling hills taking chunks and bits from it. And there a mass of shadows speeding towards him.. cats.. cats.. windclan cats.. young and old. Like wind they came racing by him, some not making it and being swallowed by the waves.. by the head.. this couldn’t be happening.

[ The End ]

With a shriek blackness took over his vision and Coyotesnarl lurched backward from the pool of glistening water. Stumbling and tripping back onto his back. ”no.. no no...” he didn’t have time to think.. any rational thoughts was blurred out by the fear of what he’d seen. ”I must warn them.. I have to warn them.. I.. I have too..” scrambling to his paws he went tearing out of the den

@Moonraven @Shimm
[ just for reference !! ]


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