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Old October 6th, 2016, 02:47 PM
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Delta Reliant Delta Reliant is offline
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Default Re: Amberclan & Flowclan

Originally Posted by cinder View Post
thank you so much!!))

Amberflick heaved herself out of the nursery- she hadn't had kits yet, or at all, however she knew that the life of a warrior would be far too much for her.
She started out to the prey pile, bowing her head down and picking up a small mouse, bowing her head to the warriors of the clan- she had sooo much respect for them, because they did the things she was kept from doing, with her state. She sat down by the prey pile, licking her thick pelt to keep it in it's natural tune, before curling up and sweeping her pink tongue over her nose, before leaning down to gouge into some fresh prey.
Newmoon eventually sighed and decided to get something to eat before leaving to hunt alone. She approached the fresh-kill pile and got a fish to eat... since there were plenty there. She noticed Amberflick and smiled softly at the Queen "Hello, i see you're up..."
An old veteran, interested to see where the world went while I was gone. Thanks for not purging my account! #56 For life, hahahah!

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