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Old May 9th, 2020, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Alexcentri View Post
Houndleap padded along, making long strides with his legs. Every so often he'd stop for his apprentice to catch up with him, and then the cycle continued. He had chosen a spot to start training Reedpaw how to hunt. With a look to the sky, it had looked just about past dawn with the sun still fairly low in the sky. There was enough light though, and prey would be out soon, if not already. He stopped and turned to his apprentice, motioning with his tail to stop.

"Alright, if you haven't guessed, we're doing huntin' today. This is one of the most important skills to learn, it makes ya useful to the clan. Ya know anything about huntin' yet, or didja never learn anythin' as a kit. Either way, I'm still teachin' ya most of it." He passed a glance over his apprentice, he was apathetic to if Reedpaw knew anything or not. He'd still be getting trained, knowing stuff just made it faster.
Reedpaw struggled to keep up with Houndleap as his thin, gangly legs padded along in an ungraceful manner. The calico had always had a somewhat awkward build for a cat that he wasn't entirely used to. As his mentor came to a stop, so did Reedpaw as the older tom started going on about hunting. He vaguely remembered the hunting crouch he had attempted to show Cornkit back when they were staying at the Waterbarn, though even then he could recognise that it was not a very proper stance. "I don't think I've got much experience, but I do know what a rabbit is!" He chuckled softly, there really was so much to learn still! "What are we doing first? Learning how to pounce? How to kill? How to run?" The tom's meows were a series of excited questions, he would probably end up bugging Houndleap to death at this point.
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