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Old May 10th, 2020, 12:26 AM
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Default Re: WindClan - Joining or Rejoining

Originally Posted by Pepperpot View Post
“I’m called Nigel, yes, I know my name sounds very housecat-ish but I ran away from my housefolk moons ago,” Nigel meowed,”You don’t have to worry about crazy twolegs in your territory.”
This kittypet's name was one of the weirdest she's ever heard. Niagal, Neeghl, she was just going to call him N in her head. "So you were a kittypet turned rogue and now you want to join a clan." Twilightstar iterated her thoughts aloud so he could hear. She hasn't had any trouble with any former kittypets, it was the cats who she brought from other clans that have been causing the problems. "That's great to know." she grumbles, "Do you have any problems with listening, authority, or any anger issues or anything I should know about?" Twilightstar asked, recently changing up her normal speech for something else since the Sunpaw incident.

Originally Posted by WhiteStripes View Post
Summit thought for a moment, "But couldn't I do the same thing as her, I'm 7 moons older than her, and a bit younger than you, I think. Could I have a warrior name, so Everest-- Silvermist can still have me as her mate, but I could live as an apprentice?" @Moonraven
Twilightstar didn't like going against her rules, it made her feel like she was cheating the other cats who joined. However, what Summit subjected sounded like the only reasonable plan of action. It was that or split mates up which would be more trouble or her later. "Fine, you can have a warrior name." she sounded unhappy as she said it, "Brambletail, that will be your new name." So Brambletail and Silvermist, that worked. "You've got a lot to learn and hard work ahead of you, but it will be worth it." She reassured them, or rather herself. "Come on, I'll show you the way to camp. Silvermist you'll be staying with the other queens in the nursery, nothing much will be asked of you while you're there. Brambletail you can pick which den you want to stay in, Warriors' Den is for the older cats and Apprentices' den for the young ones." Twilightstar chattered, explaining little things as she led the pair to their new home.
@WhiteStripes - go ahead and get them submitted your good to go. Brambletail will be considered a warrior taking apprentice lessons.

Originally Posted by Pepperkins View Post

The silver apprentice raced through the camp entrance, not very apprentice looking anymore. The cat was scrawny, his long fur matted, and it looked like dried blood could be seen on his tail. Or what was left of his tail. He panted frantically and yelling could be heard in the distance as the horrid cats he had barely managed to escape from searched for him relentlessly. He just stood there staring out the entrance for a moment before shivering and realizing where he was. He hadn't remembered running in this direction? It didn't matter, he was here now and it wasn't like he didn't want to be here.

Upon a glance around the clearing, Shrewpaw noticed Twilightstar resting in the clearing and made the split second decision to walk up to her. What he hadn't planned on was what to say. "Uh... Hi Twilightstar," he started off with a nervous chuckle, "I'm back, again."

[ @Moonraven ]
Look at what the cat dragged in, again! The leader looked down at the tom as he padded over, he had lost the scent of a WindClan cat and looked worse then he had the first time he vanished. It was harder for her to work up the right amount of sympathy for him since he had not learned his lesson the first time. He did look scared out of his wits and what in the world had happened to his tail?
"I see that." The feline answered, standing up to give the cat a quick sniff. He smelt gross and roguish. "Hanging out with rogues again?" Not completely heartless, the leader pads over the fresh-kill pile and comes back with a small rodent. She drops it down for him to eat if he could stomach it.

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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