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Old May 21st, 2020, 06:59 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by chaton View Post

~ @Spiderfrost ~

Myrtlepaw listened closely as Doepaw began to go on about her past, something which he hadn't expected. He had only intended to cover some things of his own... he could only hope the memories weren't too much for his friend. The apprentice had told his story to Shadedpath, and Ploverspot was there for it... but other than that, no other cat knew. Doepaw began to go on about some of her past... he felt his friend shaking at the mention of her sister, taken by a bird. Instinctively Myrtlepaw pressed closer to Doepaw, giving a gentle nuzzle to her cheek, all in all just trying to offer her the best comfort he could. It was harder to tell where everything was with being blind... but at least he still had Doepaw there, one who he could support and one who would support him. "Doepaw... it will... be alright... I... know... memories... can be... painful... and some... will... always hurt... But... it takes... an... incredible... amount... of bravery... and... courage... to... share your... past... that... is what... I... have learned... And... I think... it... applies... to you... too..." Myrtlepaw sighed, embracing his dear friend closer, all while still having the comfort of Shadedpath to protect them both. Her presence was wonderful here... everything just felt safe. "I... guess I should... say... something too... something... I... have... only... told... Shadedpath... before today..." He shook a bit as he relived the memories of his earlier days, but it would be important to share. "I was... born... an... only kit. Things... seemed well... until... I grew... old... enough to... eat... solid... food. My mother... Sprucepatch... stopped... caring... for me... and my father... Yewshade... was... never much... in my... life... I had... to... fend for... myself... so I... resorted... to eating... berries... And... got bullied... for it..." Myrtlepaw's mew grew shakier as he prepared to continue on to the hardest part of the memories for him. "Then... when I was... three... moons... both of... my parents... were... suddenly killed... by... a... group... group of... rogues... I still... remember the... exact feelings... I... had... hearing... those words..." The russet tom broke into a series of sniffles, as he couldn't really cry tears with the damage to his eyes. He had hopefully helped Doepaw, but now reliving his own tragedies was somehow more difficult than the first time he'd done so.

Shadedpath stared down at the two apprentices. Nearly completely under her paws and it reminds her of her last litter, the two kits had been only what she could describe as scardy-cats. They cried easily, and liked to hide in her fur and beg her to curl up completely around them and use her as a wall to keep the outside world away from them as they peeked their little head out from under her tail or over her belly.

She had allowed it, of course, while they were still young. They still needed her, were defenseless. She didn't give affectionate licks or say 'i love you', but she knew they still knew that she loves them, because she allowed them to stay attached to her, and use her as their shield.

Right know, with these two very traumatizes apprentices. Where life treated them as a bug to be squashed, she found herself listening and allowing herself to be their wall. It brought a familiar twang in her chest. The same one she felt when she had looked down at four squirming bodies, then two, the two more.

She had promised Plover she would help raise Myrtlepaw, to be there for him however he needed...But this was the first time. the very moment it hit her that she loved him so much already and that his pain hurt her as well. She felt like his mother, hurt and angry that her child was hurt.

"I'm here..." she murmured, tail curling tighter around both apprentices. Words escaped her, as they always did when faced with emotional turmoil.

"For you too, Doepaw. I'm here."

-- @Arie --
Due to work I will not be on until after June 11th