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Old May 28th, 2020, 11:30 PM
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Default A Scrap in the Wind

SCRAPKIT IS A RUNT - But, will finally be at average cat size at 12 moons, before that, she will be tiny as a kit, still small as a early apprentice, still a little smaller than the average apprentice at half way through and will be full sized at 12 moons when she becomes a warrior.

So, my gal Scrapkit was just born and I saw Beau making a plot for her kit of the litter and I decided to make my own! And yes I took some of her ideas and put them in here. They were good and I thought that they would work perfectly for Scrap!

Scrap/Wind has a mean mother who doesn’t love her and her sisters and thinks of them as burdens, she wants them to prove themselves to her, and of course as a runt it is really hard for her.

Her father is too scared to really intervene at all


Scrap/Wind grows up alone and angry at the world. She will develop a very skittish personality and will be extremely submissive and easy to manipulate.

About a moon away from Scrap/Wind’s apprentice ceremony, enter [Fake Bestie], they will pretend to be kind to her, tell Scrap/Wind that they are the only cat in the world that will be her friend. So, of course, Scrap/Wind takes her as her friend as she didn’t want to be alone anymore. [Fake Bestie] gaslights her and manipulates her into thinking she can’t live without [Fake Bestie].

When Scrap/Wind becomes an apprentice, Twilightstar changes her name to Windpaw. This gives Scrap/Wind a bit of confidence and of course, [Fake Bestie] goes along with it, trying to seem ‘happy’ for Scrap/Wind. This along with all the other things, proves even more to Scrap/Wind that [Fake Bestie] is a ‘true’ friend.

Though, Scrap/Wind gets a [Bad Mentor]. Her mentor will drill it into her that she doesn’t belong in the clan and should just go die or leave. This makes Scrap/Wind go a little suicidal, and get those thoughts.

Now, half way through her apprenticeship, [Fake bestie] is still her “friend.” Enter [Real Bestie], they will bring out the best in Scrap/Wind and show her real friendship. They will pull her out of her depressive state, and tell her that she belongs and that they don’t want her to die.
[Fake Bestie] of course doesn’t like this and tries to manipulate Scrap/Wind again. [Real Bestie] with Scrap/Wind’s help, ends up chasing [Fake Bestie] off and Scrap/Wind grows confidence even more.

This is when Scrap/Wind’s personality changes. It had been growing confidence ever since she had met [Real Bestie]. She will be confident, sure of herself, and will trust her own decisions. Scrap/Wind will no longer be submissive. Her leadership skills will come through and a little while after getting rid of her fake friend, she and [Real Bestie] get their warrior names. This grows her confidence and true personality even more.

This is mostly where [Fake Bestie] goes into the background, although they will still be a big enemy to [Real Bestie] and Scrap/Wind.

--Quoted from what @Socks said will happen to Whisperwillow--
Whisperwillow will get sick when the kits are older and start to realize how she's pushed everyone away while not realizing how horrible she truly was, but she starts to get terrified of dying alone and tries to 'win back' her kits, not admitting any flaws in her previous actions. That could fit well with Scrap's plot, I think. I think I'll have Whisper die then, she'll put up a little fight before seeing how serious Scrap is and sorta accepting it.

Now that they are warriors, Scrap/Wind sees Whisperwillow, her mother. Scrap/Wind despises this cat with every fiber of her being. Whisperwillow wants to win back Scrap/Wind and says things and such but, Scrap/Wind still despises her for abusing her and her sisters as kits. Scrap/Wind lashes out at Whisperwillow, ending up in Scrap/Wind attacking her. In her blind fury, she attempts to kill Whisperwillow. [Real Bestie] Will stand on the sidelines, pretty much supporting Scrap/Wind as she does this because they understand what she has gone through.
They WILL NOT intervene as that would make them not her friend anymore!

Hopefully Twilightstar [ @Moonraven Mentioning you so you know what's going on with this plot if Twilight is gonna be involved ] will come out and see Scrap/Wind standing over Whisperwillow’s dead body and we will go from there!

The plot will go on from there but, I’d like for Scrap/Wind to stay in the clan if she isn’t exiled as she still loves the clan as a whole after all that she had gone through


CHARACTERS - You are welcome to make a character for this plot

Fake Bestie
Same age - 1 moon age gap at most
Either Gender
Acts like her friend but, is secretly filling her head with lies/Gaslighting
RPer must be able to RP them as a bully and still be a bully after Scrap/Wind leaves their ‘friendship’

Bad Mentor
Any age/gender - Preferably a large male
Will drill it into Scrap/Wind that she doesn’t belong in the clan and that she should just leave.
Will support Scrap/Wind’s suicidal ideas and will push her to die.
Will just be bad all around but, will train her well in the arts of battle training and hunting.
So, when Scrap/Wind becomes a warrior she will be skilled in the arts of a warrior.


They can just be very dismissive but, Scrap/Wind will still be a very skilled warrior

Dark Forest Mentor
Although this isn't in the plot, I'd like one for Scrap/Wind but, if I don't get one, I fine if she doesn't get one.
So, they would pretty much be like any other Dark Forest Mentor generally
Scrap/Wind will probably resent being in the Dark Forest and will think about it a lot like Brambleclaw did when he was training there

Real Bestie
Same age - 1 moon age gap at most
Either gender - If male then the two will most likely become mates

Builds Scrap/Wind up
Supports her and shows her real love
Helps her get out of Scrap/Wind’s depressive and suicidal state halfway through apprenticeship

Link to Site/page(Mark N/A if None)::
Mention Me! @Wings
character site
Please bump after 2-3 days!
My limit for cloning characters for non-time sensitive RPs is 3.
Time sensitive RPs count in this count.

Last edited by Wings; June 22nd, 2020 at 01:52 AM.