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Old December 10th, 2016, 01:54 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Duskflight View Post
After the meeting, the tom had retired to his den to have a much needed meal and quiet time to think and rest up before the journey he planned to commence the following day. To be truthful with himself, he hadn't expected any cat to come to his den after the meeting, he figured they'd be mulling over the information, maybe asking his deputy a few questions before going on with their duties and such, not quite expecting any to come directly to him to ask him questions. Ever since he became leader, he found that cat's had a hard time approaching him to ask him questions, no matter how friendly and cheerful and nonjudgmental he was. He couldn't explain why they did this, but he wanted cat's to know that he was just like another warrior, just like them, they they could talk to him.. That's why he preferred to be called Grouse, it was informal, he felt like it made cat's more relaxed around him, maybe made them forget he was leader, that he was just another kind cat they could easily talk to. So when he heard a voice at the entrance of the den, he looked up from his meal in surprise, finding Rabbitfluff there, not having caught his questions. "Hm?"

Immediately his emerald gaze surveyed the tailless tom's demeanor and realized that he looked rather spooked, anxious even and got the notion that this was about his order for the journey, or had something to do with what he had said on the Skyrock. Now this, this was something he expected, at least a few cat's would be looking like this and he, in the back of his mind, knew that it wasn't unlikely for Rabbitfluff to be one of those cat's. "Come in, come in Rabbitfluff, don't just stand there looking like a mouse caught by the tail." Chuckled out the tom in his usual lighthearted tone.

Though the smaller tom immediately started to blurt out the thing that was on his mind, Grousestar shutting his mouth and offering a smile as he listened to the rather light-furred tom. What the warrior was saying was exactly what his mind had nagged on about, that it was a dangerous and that they would really get nothing out of it, this was a reckless endangerment of lives and that he should turn these cat's away and go back to the relatively peaceful and solitary life they had been living. But his heart? It said otherwise.
"Slow down Rabbitfluff, you might accidentally bite your tongue speaking that fast, take a seat."
Pushing his meal a way, the brown tabby crossed his paws and waited for the other to sit down, not speaking until he had.

"I understand your fear and discomfort for my decision. But Rabbitfluff. These cat's? They need our help. I don't know about you, but I would not be able to stand myself if I sat by knowing that there were cat's needing our help, and we turned them away because I got nothing in return, or that I wanted to remain leading my life in solidarity without contact with other clan's. We don't need anything in return. I'm just fine with the satisfaction of knowing that I was able to help, that I did something and you know what? Maybe it's time for some change. Perhaps it's time for Skyclan to not live in isolation. We've lived in isolation for many, many generations, I believe it is time, if these two cat's are correct, to expose us to other clan's. It may be dangerous, but Skyclan is not made of cowards. We are made of warriors."
All the while speaking, the tom spoke slowly, confidently, all whilst smiling. He believed in his words wholeheartedly and would continue to stand by them because it is what his heart told him to do.
When he was invited into the den, Rabbitfluff hesitated, peering over his shoulder at the rest of the clearing to ensure no one had spotted him, as he surely didn't want rumors spreading in reference to his visit to Grousestar. This was strictly business when he had concerns to voice, ones he imagined Grousestar had already weighed in his decision to go along with the strangers, yet he was wondering why the leader opted to push them aside in favor of helping them. Although he liked to envision he was, he recognized that he wasn't the most intelligent member of SkyClan and therefore was open to the possibility that Grousestar had identified something worthwhile in the conquest to free the Clans of the evil that gripped them, if there were Clans at all. Determining that nobody was acting as a witness, Rabbitfluff stepped inside a few paces but didn't shuffle too far, offering an explanation, "I don't plan on staying long." He doubted Grousestar would be changing his mind anytime soon, nor did he believe either of them would make strides of progress by talking at length; this was to be a brief conversation, a voicing of fears about the future.

Meanwhile, he wasn't sure what to think of Grousestar, who seemed perfectly content this evening with no regard for the huge journey ahead of them. Depending on the danger they might encounter, that alone could be what ended the majority of SkyClan, or worse, the travelers would go missing and never heard from again. "Please understand," his meow wavered slightly with emotion before he cleared his throat, removing the lingering trace of self-consciousness, "as a warrior who has lost over half his family, this is difficult for me," a pause, something in his tone softening, "and I can imagine it is difficult for you as well." Not only did Grousestar had the safety of the entire Clan in his paws, but he was basing this off of two personal stories. The bright side of it was that he didn't have a lot to lose, serving as a double-edged sword--he had to protect what little he had left, which was his sister (who he regretfully didn't know well) and the Clan that'd been here for him since he was a kit. Both of those were at stake and he knew he'd have to learn to accept that, yet it was a terribly painful thing to acknowledge.

"Alright," Rabbitfluff started with a hint of a sigh clinging, "I suppose that's fair. We don't need any form of reciprocation from them, but with that said, this could result in neutrality or a complete disaster, should the stranger be dishonest or trying to trick us or lead us into a trap." He didn't see where the positive could lie because they would gain nothing, or they would face negative consequences. Flicking his gaze to Grousestar's, the tremble returned, "You care about your clanmates, you've said it yourself and prove it everyday." And with that said, he was certain Grousestar wouldn't intentionally expose them to threats, but it was an immensely brave risk to take when there was so much that could twist it into misfortune. Living in isolation had served them well, but he guessed he couldn't comment on that aspect when he hadn't the experience to claim it would be a foolish move, not having resided anywhere else.

Shame nagged at him, and he lowered his eyes. "I recognize we're not cowards, collectively speaking." It was tempting to remain behind and forfeit his place on the journey, since he wasn't confident his presence would aid them; in fact, it could do the opposite. Guarding the camp wasn't appealing, but he wondered if it would be better than the alternative.

everything about us is going to be wonderful