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Old December 11th, 2016, 03:21 AM
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Empress Of Evil Empress Of Evil is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by fenic! View Post
"We could go out on a hunting patrol, probably- the rivers pretty frozen over, so the clan needs all the the help we can get right now. Plus, I promised Rabbitkit I'd catch something for her." His daughter had been deathly sick, and so he'd tried to pay attention to her more than usual- but it was hard caring for his daughters without Shellfeather beside him. Taking so many walks recently and all of this new appreciation of the world around him stemmed from loss. A feeling where you wake up with nobody beside you for the first time in moons, the loneliness. Sighing, the tom got up from his nest slowly, stretching his legs as he stared outside the den into the camp, wondering if everyone he'd lost was rooting for him. He hoped so, that Starclan never truly left them- that they were still there, cheering everybody on from the sidelines.
Cloudrain nodded in agreement. Since leaf-bare had approached, the rivers had frozen over and lots of snow had fallen down onto the ground, covering it like a white blanket. Prey was getting scarcer too. All the animals were deep in their burrows and keeping warm. As Russetswirl mentioned Rabbitkit, the silver tabby's ears perked up. "Rabbitkit? Who's that?", Cloudrain asked curiously. She had not yet heard about the kits that Russetswirl had recently decided to look after. Did Russetswirl make friends with a kit?, Cloudrain wondered. She thought that that seemed like a likely option. Russetswirl was a very friendly and approachable cat so it wouldn't have been hard for him to make friends with a kit. If he did really do that. Cloudrain looked away from her best friend and tried glancing outside. She saw quite a bit of snow lying on the ground but she couldn't see much other then that.
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