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Old December 11th, 2016, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan's Journey to the Clans

Originally Posted by fenic! View Post
"...Ashenpaw, I know we need to go, but I really do mean it." Cinderpaw burst out, putting all his energy into these few statements- he really did just want his best friend back, so they could go back to the way they used to be. It hurt, knowing that he'd caused so much, but he couldn't imagine how the other apprentice was feelings. He paled in comparison to her, and she was the last cat she wanted this to happen to, her soul shining like gold in a field of dull bronze hearts. His light gray pelt ruffled in an uncomfortable silence as he stood, the tom's eyes shining with emotion as he waited, for some sort of sign that she still cared. I did something terrible, and I won't mind if you just don't want to talk to me anymore. But please, Ashenpaw... just give me an answer this time, one single word would be all it took. Sighing, he stared towards the ground as his pale green gaze pierced the camp entrance's flooring, ready to join the other cats on their journey.

He was surprised that there were other clans, but willing to help them- really, he could see himself in Grousestar more than the average cat. Surely, he was a bit ambitious, but he also loved to help others. Most of all, he wanted to help Ashenpaw with whatever she was going through, but knowing that he was the root of her suffering wracked the apprentice with guilt every day he saw her walk by him. He hated how he'd acted, and just wanted to change, for her, because she was one of the only true friends he'd ever had. He was friendly, and so many cats liked him, but he could actually talk to her, tell her things that he didn't want to tell anyone else. "I'm so, so sorry." He croaked, mumbling sadly.

Every bone in her body screamed at her, telling her what a bad idea it would be to trust the reckless Cinderpaw again. But something else tugged - perhaps even harder - at Ashenpaw. She hadn't really bothered to get to know too many cats as well as she had gotten to know Cinderpaw. And since Grousestar had announced that they would all be traveling to find these so-called Clans, being alone at a time like this scared her most of all. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she looked right at Cinderpaw, searching his eyes for some sort of answer. She knew that there would probably be a time down the road where she would need to put her walls back up, but seeing the grief in his eyes, hearing how his voice just broke as he apologized yet again, it near broke Ashenpaw's heart.

"Oh, Cinderpaw," she murmured, unconciously reaching forward and giving his cheek a small lick with her tongue. A smile then tugged at the corners of her lips and she glanced around, seeing as the others were getting ready to leave. "I-I don't know if we can ever be friends like before, but I do know that I don't want to not have you by my side during this journey," Ashenpaw told him, bringing her gaze back to rest on his face. She nudged him gently with her shoulder and started to pad forward, following her Clanmates who were already a few tail-lengths ahead of the two apprentices. The young molly glanced over her shoulder, a shining hopeful question ringing in their depths, wondering if Cinderpaw would accept the fact that while she didn't want to become too close to him again, she would at least like him by her side for the journey.