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Old July 11th, 2020, 10:12 AM
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Default Re: THE GRID (Main RP)

Originally Posted by cmdR_Paige View Post
A lone program stood at the water's edge.

She was relatively short compared to most basics, and her lightlines were decievingly simple. Her red-blonde hair flicked up at the ends where it met her shoulders, and covering her fair-skinned face was a dark, polished mask.

The cold ocean breeze didn't affect her much through her lightsuit. She was used to the temperature already.

It was here she first laid eyes on the only world she ever knew.

The Grid.

(I know you've already seen her, this is just a refresher ^w^ )
Torish ran, dodging some discs being thrown by firewalls, accidentally bumping into some program.
"Duck!" She half-hissed, half-whispered, as she shoved the program down.
(oof it's been so long since i've watched tron so i don't remember it that well so I hope i did this right)

.・。.・゜✭ ・.・✭・゜・。.
❝ Making up problems that don't exist
Why do I let myself dream like this? ❞
