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Old December 14th, 2016, 03:04 PM
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The Cannibal The Cannibal is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Ever View Post
The shadowclan leader watched as he finally sprung into motion, realizing she'd picked him as her target. She didn't slow her actions as he barreled for her too. She had been planning to pull the same move on him, so it caught her a little off guard, but not enough. Rather than jumping straight over him she pounced to the side. The awkward movement caused her to lose a few moments, but she was in a good position now. The tom had slid by her on the cold and brittle dirt ground and she now had a small advantage. She had the time to inflict a quick attack while he pushed to his feet, though she knew attacking his open side would result in claws in her own flank. She didn't really care and couldn't think of a better move in the instant she had to think.
Her small black striped body sprang forward, slamming into his side. She bit into whatever fur she could, she was able to feel the hardness of his ribs beneath the thin layer of muscle that covered his ribs. her claws sunk in wherever her front paws were attached. She had too little time to focus on where that was and instead focus all her strength into hanging on and trying to keep an upper paw on him.
Missed. The thoughts echoed in his mind, his green hues following the females awkward side leap, his body continuing forward before landing on the ground, immediately putting him at a slight advantage, but that didn't matter to him, he simply dismissed it because thinking about it wouldn't help. You just had to spring back.
Sliding along the ground, he immediately attempted to get back up, to regain his position in battle, but she had recovered before him and was already launching at his side. Just as he regained his footing and was getting ready to stand, he was bowled over, the striped she-cat slamming into his side, causing a breath of air to whoosh out of him, feeling teeth sink into his upper arm while his own claws roughly sunk into her flank, hooking into as deep as he could before latching his jaws onto any part of her leg that he could, though more likely the upper part. Feeling her claws sink into his back, he bit harder and muffled out a yowl of pain, now battering at her with his hind legs at lightning speed, hitting wherever he could and doing this in order to cause her to let go as he felt the pain flood his system. He needed to get rid of her advantage or else he'd surely lose this fight, no matter how much of an optimist he was, he knew that he needed to get the upper paw.

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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