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Old December 14th, 2016, 05:15 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Moonfur View Post
Littlepaw ran aroud, searching for Evil cats. After her talk with Moonpaw, things became clear. She sniffed around, looking for any evil cat. The sky clan apprentice, ran around. Littlepaw found a cat, about 8 moons old. Sagemist tough me well! I'll prove to him I can fight! Littlepaw seemed more loyal to Sagemist the to sky clan. She clawed the cat's sides, like Sagemist toughed her. Then she tackled the cat, raking her claws down it's belly. @Pink Orca!
Neko let out a yelp as the cat attacked him, falling clumsily and struggling under the cat's paws. Pain shot through him as the cat raked their claws down his stomach and he struggled desperately to get free.
Pardus turned to see his brother struggling with one of the Clan cats. "Neko!" He threw himself at the cat, trying to force her off his brother.
i tried so hard to be a king
but the time was never right
i lost my way on a stormy past
got wrecked by starless nights
but let my heart be wrecked by hurricanes
and my ship by stormy weather
i know i am a hero
and a hero is forever