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Old August 18th, 2020, 07:36 AM
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Default Re: Writing Your Warrior Cat AUs!

Originally Posted by BestDragonslayer View Post
Jayfeather staying in the Ancient times :3
You can see the information from the quote above, but this was written for BestDragonslayer. The AU talks about what would happen if Jayfeather had stayed in the ancient times.

Let's say that Jayfeather didn't listen to Rock's protests. He decided to make the journey with the mountain cats and be with Half Moon, who he loved. Rock eventually gave up, knowing that he couldn't change his path.

As Jay's Wing, he made the long journey. He was disoriented by not being blind and was forced to watch as many cats died. There was barely enough prey to go around, and he was an extra mouth to feed, which caused more deaths. However, he stuck fast and stayed with Half Moon.

He became more attached to the other Tribe cats so that he forgot about his own family and kin. He got to travel and find the cave where they would live and basically watched them. He got to have kits with Half Moon, a litter of four healthy ones, who they named Bright Moon, Pebble Wing, Snow Tracks, and Smooth Stone (my naming skills are terrible lol).

He got to raise his family and watched as they grew into fine sharpclaws. Then he remembered the whole thing about the Tribe and explained to Half Moon how the purpose should go and whatnot. There was a lot of confusion among the Tribe, but eventually, Half Moon became Stoneteller.

Jay Wing stayed there and lived a long, happy life.

But what about the Clans that he left behind?

Jayfeather's disappearance was a shock, especially since it was after Flametail's death. Everybody thought that he had run away in shame, but his scent trail disappeared by an unusual-looking stick. Lionblaze was devastated and the rest of the Clan had to appoint Leafpool because of their lack of a medicine cat.

Lionblaze and Dovewing had to plot together. The prophecy called for a third cat, didn't it? And who was that third cat?

StarClan saw this, saw the spirit of Jay's Wing roaming in the Tribe of Endless Hunting, told to them by Feathertail. So, they gave Hollyleaf her power: the ability to tell truth from lies. Lionblaze was glad to see his sister again and they planned together. In the end, the Clans won the battle of the Dark Forest.

Jay's Wing and Jayfeather had merged into one, and when he saw what was happening, he could barely remember his Clan and kin. He left that all behind.

There was no grumpy furball in the Clan, no one to spew justice, and Leafpool suffered the loss of two kits.

Leafpool was the new medicine cat and trained Alderheart. As a kind and motherly mentor instead of being irritable and snappy, the tom got a better relationship toward her.

When Velvet came to the Clan, Leafpool wasn't keen enough to drive them away. That was why Alderheart left ThunderClan temporarily to be with Velvet, but returned to ThunderClan. They were suspicious and barely let him back in.

Basically, without the wise and grumpy medicine cat, ThunderClan was definitely different. However, they were still able to get along. Sure, there were plenty of changes, too many to count, but they were small enough not to be overly significant.

So, there you go. If Jayfeather had stayed in the Ancient Times.
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