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Old December 15th, 2016, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Ever View Post
Blazingnight was surprised the tom had gotten up. Her golden eyes were wide with shock as he managed to catch his balance after a tumbling attempt to stand. She was even more off guard when he actually launched an attack at her. Though it wasn't enough. His movement and attack was easy to move away from. Due to his injuries he was slow, his movements sloppy and predictable. So as soon as he was air born she had a plan, her surprise swallowed and replaced by the hunger to end this battle and win in the name of Shadowclan.
The dark tabby crouched low, ready to take the impact on his hit. As the tom's large body slammed into her she was prepared. Though his claws tore feverishly at her chest, her paws were firmly planted. She pushed forward with all her strength, sending his attack off course and his body into the dirt beside her. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. She watched with wide eyes as he slammed into the ground, his body shuddering. Watched as his eyes transitioned from a fierce proud glow to shock, and then fear. Because as his weak body fell to the ground her attack went into place. Her paw came up, strong and claws. Adrenaline rushed through her as she brought it down. No regret, no second thought, no remorse passed through her as she brought it down with one goal: death.
Everything passed in seconds. The sounds from the battle around the two cats faded until everything was deathly silent. Both of them were still other than her paw slowly moving towards his limp body. Her lips were curled and teeth bared as she snarled a hiss with her attack. Dirt and fur were suspended in the air as she moved. Then it was done. Her claws tore through the fur in his throat, cutting deep. Blood welled instantly, Grousestar had lost so much blood. Blazing had knows that the neck would cause more of it, hopefully enough to end his life. She needed him ended to show the Starclan cats what their faith got them. To show Shadowclan it was powerful without the useless rules of Starclan.
She scrambled back after the deed was done, in case the tom was able to pull through once more and stand. Everything on her ached from their battle. It had been intense and blood trickled from the multiple scrapes and gashed that marred her body. She was no stranger to pain however, so it was easily forced down. She'd died twice, brought kits into the world and experienced the strongest of heartbreaks. The adrenaline that pumped through her veins and the success at downing the opponent's leader made her feel more alive then ever. The stinging of her body only added to the sensation. Her flanks heaved and her body tingled with anticipation as she watched the tom with excitement, her golden eyes proud and a smile on her face at her success. p
Surprise wasn't enough, it wasn't enough to let him defeat this cat, not with his shoulder severely wounded and not with the blood loss that he's suffered. Grousestar wasn't as fast as he could be, in fact, his approach had been staggering, lurching, and highly predictable, it wasn't something he could avoid, but he didn't think about it, there was no use in thinking about it, he just had to do his best and if that wasn't enough, then he'd die. It was simple, it was painfully simple. He leaped into the air, and that's what sealed his fate.
The surprise was gone and with him leaping through the air, she was able to devise a quick plan of how to end him, he knew this, he knew it the first few seconds he went lunging through the air, a deathly calm settled over him as he went aiming for her chest, claws outstretched, jaws open in a yowl for Starclan and ready to bite into flesh he'd never get a chance to bite into, a tiny glimmer in his emerald eyes that were focused on the dark tabby before him. He slammed into her, claws hooking into her, but it wasn't enough to do any serious damage to her that might end her life and soon he was shoved off in another direction, time slowing as he flew towards the ground, his eyes closing and his body bracing for impact before he went crashing into the cold ground, skidding and rolling before coming to a stop, pain exploding from the impact as well as from his wounds and breath whooshing out of his lungs. He couldn't move, he was too overcome with pain and felt too weak, the blood he's lost was making him light-headed, whoozy and mixed with the pain, he was on the verge of losing consciousness. His emerald eyes focused on Blazingnight, but there was not fear there, no, there was.. Happiness. Determination. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of fear.
She lunged for him and with a swift movement, sliced her claws through his throat, his eyes blinking and shock blocking the pain from him, practically numb, the blood gushing out fast. He tried to pull in a breath but was met with only blood, not air, his body shuttering and his eyes going towards the sky, legs kicking a moment before soon enough the Skyclan leader went limp, eyes glazing over and breath leaving his body to not be pulled back in, the world going black for Grousestar. He was dead.
Well rather, he was losing his first life. He woke up in a starry field, Starclan, confused and yet sure of what was going on at the same time. "I've lost a life.." He murmured, a Skyclan cat nodding their head and explaining that he has lost a life and that he had eight left and that he must wait a moment as they healed his body, Grousestar unable to help feel sadness. "I-I've let my clan down.. I.." Shaking his head, he grit his teeth and growled. "No. No, I have made my clan proud. I fight for what I believe!"
A few minutes later, he could feel himself swimming back into consciousness, renewed energy and health.

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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