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Old September 23rd, 2020, 09:36 AM
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chaton chaton is offline
Join Date: Jan 2020
Gender: transfeminine nonbinary
Posts: 558
Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Mothkit paced quickly. It was not ideal for them to be out here for so long... but there was nobody around to properly trust. Familiar faces hung around... yet all of them felt like strangers. However, there was one cat that the nervous kit couldn't recognise. Even more confusingly, they had some urge to greet this cat.

Taking a few cautious, slow pawsteps, Mothkit had eventually found themself close to the cat. A strikingly large tabby, size made even more apparent up close. Despite their nerves, the kit reached out with a shaky paw, tapping Bumblebelly's leg.

"H-Hello?" their meow was quiet, barely audible. There was nothing more Mothkit could even say; too awestruck to continue on with their sentence.

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