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Old December 17th, 2016, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan's Liberation

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness View Post
Aquapaw raced out of the apprentices' den, her fur bristling and teeth bared in a slight snarl. The young molly's eyes were wide. First the fire, now this? She thought in disbelief. She hated to admit it, but this cat- Grousestar, he called himself, had a point. She was all for StarClan, and against Ratnight, but she had a hard choice to make. With no idea who to fight for, she was no better than a rogue. She hated having to choose between two things, each choice had its ups and downs, but she was more used to being bullied and forced into a decision, which made it easier to choose the opposite of what they'd tried to make her do. So, if she were forced to fight for StarClan, she'd probably fight for Ratnight, and if she were forced to fight for Ratnight, she would probably fight for StarClan. That was just Aquapaw's nature. She did the opposite as she was told. She looked around in confusion, waiting nervously.
(I have two StarClan supporters who could fight her, if she's gonna fight for Ratnight!)