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Old October 14th, 2020, 06:07 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Warriors' Den

-- @Redtalon --

She was unable to help the small bubble of laughter that left her once again. “You… may not… have a plan… But I do have… one idea. We shall… think it out… later if you’re… still willing to go… ahead with it.” It would be fun, to a lot of extents and Doetuft found herself actually looking forward to causing a bit of chaos. And she was one who usually preferred to know where things where and what would happen and who did not do well with the unpredictable… and neither did Snowflake. He didn’t like things changing too often and sudden and it was what had prompted the prank in the first place. Not that he didn’t know about it, it’d been a plan for her to do to him since their apprentice times, but she’d never really gotten around to it. And she did suspect… that he may have become too distracted by the current situation to be fully able to remember that he had in fact dared her to successfully do said prank. It was something she would have to share the details of with Sparkpaw, eventually. But Doetuft liked the apprentice’s spirit and that was something she thought of few apprentices… not like she’d encountered a lot of them in truth. Despite herself just… barely being out of a long apprentice training, she never really spoke with other apprentices or connected with them, well Snowflake was the one exception to that but he didn’t count because he wasn’t going to talk to her in the first place when she’d originally met him. Flickering her ears though as she waited for Sparkpaw’s interesting response to her question – about nest sharing which she still couldn’t help but find comical – she tapped her tail gently on the corner of the nest that was now a mess collection of twigs [ and not sticks because twigs were clearly superior and it was something she needed to get into Frosty’s head, eventually] and moss, it needed to have something softer in it… another thing to eventually do. Because she knew such menial things were something that someone who was invested in sleeping better would have to do. Frosty? As he’d shown during their time as refugees he was apparently perfectly fine just sleeping on the ground and not moving at all… and that was his own fault. So, she would do it… later. And then Sparkpaw began… replying and Doetuft couldn’t help the smile that lit up on her face, this young she-cat was far smarter than she’d originally let on, and her observation skills, when it came to expressions, shine in the eyes, the tone of the voice… slowly the tabby molly was beginning to understand why Talonstone liked this young cat so much that he’d even actually taught her something. Because despite this observation being such a Talonstone thing to do, she knew it had to first come from the apprentice’s own need and want for knowledge and that was why, despite the stupidity of their conversation – because it was largely stupid to a certain extent – that Doetuft didn’t bother shutting it down. At least not yet, she wanted to see how far Sparkpaw as going to take it and in what direction the young she was going to go. And she went in a direction Doetuft herself hadn’t been expecting. Deciding to throw the youngster for a loop though – something she’d never actually enjoyed before but she liked to hear Sparkpaw work out these interesting comments – she murmured slowly, “As a blind…cat… my power… lies in… observation. I need to… notice things others… might not feel the…. Need to… notice.” And then at the smiling, the smile that Sparkpaw had just pointed out lit up on her face… because she did enjoy discussing the white tom’s interesting pattern of thought, it amused her and now she had someone who actually would be willing to speak and discuss these things with her and who had… albeit a different relationship, a similar view of the stone faced quiet intelligent tom. “Wait… I thought he was… ‘I am… spending time… in your… presence… therefore… I like you,’ kind of… cat.” What she’d said had obviously been different from Sparkpaw’s but… it was still correct and once again she couldn’t help the small giggle of laughter from escaping from her maw. “Sharing… nests was… just a simple… matter of… convinence… when it did… happen but… to him… it was a big… deal. If you’ve… not noticed… he is not the biggest fan… of physical contact at… all.” Nope… he wasn’t and it was only through multiple ‘accidents’ that Doetuft had managed to squeeze herself into the white tom’s comfort zone and was now allowed to pretty much do whatever she wanted with and around him. At least he didn’t shred her for using him as a pillow, that was always a blessing. But… then came the question she in truth had been waiting for and she shook her head once again, amusement riding through the blind cat’s head. But before she answered she moved a bit, shifted in the nest and gestured with her tail. “I know… you’re… restless. I heard… your pawsteps… com in here… he won’t… mind. And if he… do… then its… his problem… to deal with.” Not waiting to see if Sparkpaw questioned her comment at all she addressed the funnily stated question. “I highly… doubt the stars… blessed him… and if they did… he wouldn’t… have accepted it. He believes… he’s cursed… somehow. But that… is for him… to share… and not I. Nevertheless… I do not… know. I think… we were both… wrecks when… we first met. Utter… wrecks. I… met him on… my first day in Shadowclan. If… you did not know… I was previously… from Thunderclan. Both of us… were unstable…emotionally. And… we still are to some… extents. Things… went… from bad to… worse… and we…. Its like… that one really good friend you’ve… got. Who cherishes you, but… refuses to see that its… more than just… friendship? I just… think we grew… together. Healed… broken parts of each other…. And without realizing it… the healing…. Reached the emotional and relationships stage… that both had been… destroyed for both of us.” And that was all she would say for now. She didn’t mind the prying, rather enjoyed in truth to be able and challenged to think about her and Snowflake’s relationship but sometimes it did get a bit… challenging to avoid certain topics. But nonetheless she enjoyed this and let out a satisfied smile.
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