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Old October 11th, 2016, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Duskflight View Post
Pinekit's answer to her stating about how hunting could be exciting as well caused her to twitch her tail a bit, it gave her the impression that he hadn't actually listened to her words at all, that he had just sort of agreed with her to be done with that part of the conversation. Why do I keep getting these thoughts? She thought in frustration, frowning inwardly, she didn't want to think this other kit was bad, she wanted to think that he was a nice, friendly other kit that she'd be more than happy to hang out with. I need to stop, this is not how I should be thinking. Shaking her head a bit, she flashed a smile at the other kit instead, forcing those thoughts and accusations down and forcing herself to ignore them, she didn't want to lose a possible friend. Of course that all changed when he inquired about going outside the camp when it was strictly forbidden for kits to do so, the kit acting much more brash than she would have ever wanted to, but she had always felt like it was a matter of becoming an apprentice or being held back for who knew how many moons. As scrutinizing as ever, Adderkit almost seemed to glare at the other kit, her lips pursed tightly and her eyes glinting in a rather harsh light, the tip of her tail flicking this way and that. She didn't even realize how.. How condescending she was coming off as. She would never want to put another kit down, not even if they were rule-breakers and yet here she was. The sheepish grin was outright ignored by the yellow tabby, her nose wrinkling a bit because she knew exactly, or well, had a very good idea about what was to come out of his mouth next. Though as he began to speak, she had to blink and she finally came to the realization about how she was acting, really it was almost like she was demeaning the other kit. "Oh I..." Was all she muttered out at first, glancing down shamefully and flattening her ears, her anger dissipating like fog in daylight. "That.. Yeah.. That's true..." Her mew came out softly, glancing back up at him with an apologetic look. "Look, I-I'm... I'm sorry Pinekit, I-I... I didn't mean to.. Come off that way.." Adderkit looked back down at her paws and sagged her shoulders, it wasn't often that this energetic kit looked so defeated and ashamed. "I-It's just... Becoming an apprentice, it's.. It's really important to me.. If I had to wait any longer well... I'd just die! The shame that would fill me if I had to wait another few moons while my litter-mates went on to become apprentices, it would be indescribable. I-I.. I didn't mean to come off as so condescending and demeaning, I'm sure you're still a great kit." Her voice was gentle and filled with understanding and even hopefulness, her eyes glancing back up at him.

The young she-cat took note of his demeanor, it was hard to read but.. But he was upset. The thought that what just had happened may have totally ruined a budding friendship made Adderkit deflate even more. Suddenly she wasn't so energetic. Slowly she lowered herself to the ground and laid her chin on her forepaws, sullenly looking at the ground. I'm such a screw up. Maybe some of those cats are right, maybe I won't get anywhere in life, I'll just be the runt who can't even make a friend because I'm too stupid. Too eager to prove myself to the clan. If it was possible, she would almost seem to deflate more. All she could hope for was that Pinekit would forgive her.[/CENTER]
Pinekit looked back at Adderkit, his thoughts seeming to be elsewhere as he did so. The young tom was almost worried looking, as though he weren't quite sure what was going on. He sometimes looked like that, and generally it was because something was wrong. The young brown tom said nothing for a while, looking upwards and then down at his paws, his tail twitching back and forth as though to build tension. Finally he fixed his gaze on her and gave a sigh. "Look, I...I'm sorry I was so harsh about that. I didn't mean make you so upset, it's one really trusts me, just because I've bent the rules a few times. I mean, haven't we all? Well, you may have not,'s just, I was really hoping that you would be different from everyone else and then when you said that, made me feel like I was wrong again, like I had made another bad choice, another failure like I always do," Pinekit mewed. There was truth in his words; he was beginning to feel like perhaps it wasn't so bad to tell Adderkit some truths. After all, she had been very pleasant company so far, other than being a little extra energetic, and maybe...just maybe, he might want to put up with her longer than he had previously planned. "But I understand, I would feel the same way...I still have a little while longer to go, but I definitely get not wanting to have your ceremony put off," Pinekit mewed. He was still feeling slightly upset at her stereotype, and not quite sure of what to think. He had been put in the category of "rule breakers" all his life, but then she had called him a 'great kit,' which he was rarely called. Troublemaker, yes. Rude, yes. A bully, yes. But great? He rarely received praise, and certainly not from other kits, not with his reputation. Pinekit looked back up at the sky, as he often did. For some reason, he found watching the clouds fascinating, and it was something that he usually did to avoid awkward conversations. Pinekit sighed, his gaze following the clouds and his tail twitching back and forth, his back turned to Adderkit, saying nothing to her. Eventually he turned back to her and gave a little smile to her. "So anyway, how about doing something else...since you don't want to do...that, maybe we could play a game or something that's more active, you seem kinda bored," Pinekit mewed, with a little grin.