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Old October 27th, 2020, 09:10 AM
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Pepperkins Pepperkins is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Training Cliffs

[ @Rani ]

Windstrike stood tall as he examined the smaller tom's every move, eyes slitted as he watched him dart foreward towards him. As expected, he went for the easiest point first, which the warrior dodged by simply leaning out the way of the flying paw, rolling his eyes slightly as it went shooting over his head, just barely cuffing the small tuft of fur that had always sat there. Surely he could do better than that? After the blow from earlier he had somewhat expected him to try it again, but that was wistful thinking, obviously the apprentice had something up his sleeve, that was too obvious. That was made clear soon after the thought.

Jumping quickly out of the way as Shrikepaw seemingly reset himself, he smirked tauntingly as he came back at him, avoiding the paw coming for his neck until realizing thats not what he was going for as another collided with his chest, knocking him off balance for a moment as his smirk dimmed. Oh so he was fighting dirty huh? Two could play at that game. Jumping back up as the cloud of dust was sent up, Windstrike shut his eyes tight and crouched low as to try and get under it, just in time to see the apprentice come flying towards him as he moved out the way. Aiming a paw at the back of his head as the dust settled down, he fixed himself, shaking out his pelt with a frown.

While the apprentice had done good, he hadn't expected him to actually land a blow anywhere. Checking his chest as he watched Shrikepaw adjust themself from the corner of his eye, he finally looked back up with a sigh and nod of approval. "You need to learn to move fast, no time to reset yourself if your out on the battlefield. In the time you're heading to get a running start of another attack, your oponent could latch onto your tail and drag you back in. Remember, claw and dodge," he explained, making small motions in the air with a paw as he talked, "You seem to have defense down, the cloud of dust will help you out in all but Riverclan, it's extremly muddy there from what I know, which makes sense." Now it was time to go over offense, his favorite part of the lesson.

"Moving on, defending yourself is truthfully almost important as landing blows during a fight. If you reveal yourself as vulnerable in anyway, a cat could use that and you could possibly loose a life to your opponent. Your best bet is to watch their movements at all times, even if you think you know everything there is about the cat, anything could change in the split second you take to think about your next attack," Sure enough Windstrike had gained a few scars from incidents like that, not that it surprised him. He wasnt perfect, no matter how much damage he could do to a fleabag's face in under a minute, "Protect your vital organs if its the last thing you do. If they get to close, do something ro get them to back up. You always want to have the advantage when defending yourself, so that if the tables start to turn you can turn it right back around.

Sitting for only a moment longer, Windstrike let out a low his as he bared his fangs, launching a paw at the apprentice's face. Now standing, he waited for a response from the tom before comtinuing. Not what he'd do in a real battle but he was teaching the little brat to defend himself sadly so he had to make sure he hadn't damaged him. Not that he cared. All he'd do is drop him off at Irisflame's feet and walk off, wasn't his job to make sure he stayed alive.

[No problem! If you had replied earlier i probably wouldn't have gotten to it this soon anyways haha!]

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