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Old December 22nd, 2016, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Moonfur View Post
"You!" Moonpaw said with a shake of her pelt. She pounced on Wildpaw, knocking him over. She smiled as she pawed his face. Her silver fur shined with white snowflakes. She flicked her fully black ear as she pawed at Wildpaw's belly. The she-cat jumped back, landing in the snow. "Wildstar! Come defeat me! For I am the all powerful Moonstar!" She purred, puffing her chest fur out. She tried to make herself look taller. Moonpaw's belly fur had collected a lot of snow, making her wet. She shook her fur, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling.
Wildpaw never expected her to jump on him like that, even if he should have anticipated it. He rolled over and pawed at moonpaw as best he could, but in his position it was rather difficult. She finally let him stand back up, and he rolled over, shaking the snow off his pelt. More white flakes were falling and the floor was starting to be filled with their battle marks all over. The traces in the snow were disformed and curved like ant-holes, wich he thought was rather funny. He looked up at her as she called to him, or called him "wildstar". "I accept your challenge Moonstar! I will not be defeated, the great Wildstar never looses a battle!" he purred as he jumped at her and shoved her from the side. He did an awkward flip as he did, and both of them went rolling in the snow. Wildpaw was laughing again, like always. He stood up again, shaking even more snow from his pelt. It was getting slightly annoying to get rid of all this weight from his pelt, and he started to get soaked.

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