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Old December 23rd, 2016, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: Dusk Syndicate Fighters' Den

Originally Posted by Tiny Moony View Post

"Indifferent indeed." Onyx meowed.

Sitting, he licked his paw and wiped it over his muzzle. He respected Hannibal for his eye-contact. Most cats would look away, whether it was him or Hannibal. They had the eyes that would send a cat running for their life.

Onyx gave an emotionless smile as Hannibal gave his careless answer, but it faded into a look of intrigue as he he said he would be fit for leader. Now this is interesting. The cannibal thinks he can rule over the syndicate. Of course, Hannibal had the traits. He was feared, strong, and most of all intelligent. The Syndicate would be interesting with him as Commander indeed.

"Well, Hannibal. I must say I'm surprised. I never expected that answer. Although, you are full of surprises, huh?" Onyx intrigued with a certain, almost evil smile.

I wonder what Hannibal would do exactly as commander...
He thinks he knows me hm? Many cats think that. Why? I'm not sure, maybe it's because they desire to know me and fool themselves into thinking they know everything about me. Thought the tom as he saw the look of intrigue cross the others face when he mentioned that he did think he had what it took to be leader, it was an easy question so he gave an easy answer. Of course he was more than capable for the spot. And really, it would benefit him, he could display his killings fully, truly get these cats in line and destroy any sort of rudeness that plagues the wily bunch. Get this bunch into shape so that he wouldn't have to deal with the idiocy anymore.
"Why should it surprise you Onyx? Do you really think you know me?" Questioned the tom with a tilt of his head.
The answer to this question will likely be a lie, he wouldn't want to admit that he thought he knew me when he knows he's wrong. I know he watches me. I'd even venture to say that he'd like to kill me 'for sport', as are his ways. So he'd like to fool himself into thinking that he knows me. Hannibal sat as still as ever, relaxed, his face as it usually was, empty, a complete mystery as to whatever he was thinking. How would cats ever get to know this emotionless cat?

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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