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Old March 7th, 2021, 01:30 AM
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Default Re: Shade's Character Creation Service: Comedies and Tragedies

Originally Posted by WinterRabbit5350 View Post
Alright, y'know what, I've had a craving for new chars and also I wanna see how this'll go lol, I always can enjoy good comic relief or a nice tragic char, so uh yeah. No special request, just go ahead and do as you please with it [Heads up though, if they are not an outsider, I'll most likely put them in TC]

|| @Shadeleaf ||
Welp, here's my take:

Name: Brightclaw/paw/kit

Gender: Male

Personality: Brightclaw is of average intelligence. He's very insecure about his capabilities and tries to cover them up with pride (and fails). He is quite clumsy when it comes to anything involving running. He is highly emotional, though not very empathetic due to his self-absorbed nature. For being so insecure, he often worries about everything so he ends up constantly thinking about himself and how bad he is and how he needs to improve. He is extremely oblivious, often skipping conversation parts that he dismisses as untrue. which makes it very hard for someone to correct him. He is also painfully honest and has been taught to never lie. Nowdays he tries to lie and usually does it without remorse but the truth somehow manages to slip into his sentences and so he is a a very bad and obvious liar. He can't conceal his emotions and thoughts and practices a lot of acting, which only somewhat helps him. He's tried to kill others, but mostly because he's not used to succeeding and doesn't realize his actions may or may not have consequences. He has morals that he fails to hide.

Backstory: Brightclaw was often bullied as a kit for being shy and awkward. He didn't really know how to defend himself. So he never got to play with the other kits. (hence his inability to run for 1 minute without tripping or getting tired) All he really had was the stories of the elders. They didn't mind him and told him many stories of heroes and villains. At first, Brightkit wanted to become just like the heroes and help people. But he was really bad at it and became a laughingstock in the nursery. But he remembered the stories. The villains often went through the same thing. One day, he was playing with his only friend, tussling in the dirt, until he kicked them too hard and they flew into the thorn barrier. Everyone scolded him and some of the younger kits became afraid of him. All this made the bullying worse but Brightkit had a new goal- to become the greatest villain ion history! With one minor setback: he was terrible at it. With all the traits listed you can imagine how that is.
"Ha, you fools fell for my trap! Well, it isn't really my trap it's just a bush I found BUT NO MATTER! NOW I WILL DESTROY-AAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!" *proceeds to fall in aforementioned bush*"I'm OK!". Very few cats take his villainy seriously. They mock him or simply ignore him.

Here it is! I hope you like him! Feel free to change anything about him, not use him at all or give him to someone else! The price is 100kk!
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