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Old March 15th, 2021, 09:42 PM
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~Fierce~ ~Fierce~ is offline
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Default Re: A Hunt for Clovers!

In Camp
Silverclaw stretched in her nest in the warriors den. She got up and shook herself, making sure she was fully awake. When she stepped out of the warriors den, a scent hit her. It smelled great. She looked around and realized that new leaf was coming. She sniffed the air again and a faint memory came back to her. She remembered the first new leaf she had seen since she was born. She had been so excited at the change that she thought she was in a new world. She remembered gathering clovers and passing them out to the kits in the nursery. Silverclaw got an idea and decided to search for some clovers. She looked around all the dens with no luck until she reached the nursery. She went behind it and found a nice patch. She carefully picked one and carried it back to her nest. She gathered more and decorated her nest until it looked beautiful. She smiled and lay in her nest again, making sure she didn’t squish any of the clovers.

Around the Territory
Whitepaw padded around the territory. She had woken up from a nap and decided to go out into the territory. She had made a great choice. New leaf was more noticeable in the territory. Whitepaw saw the snow melt a little as she walked. She sniffed at the air again and a memory came back to her. This one was a bit faint but it was clear. In this memory, she's in a twoleg garden. She recognizes this garden and realizes this is the garden of the twoleg den she loved to go to when she was a kittypet. She remembers that the backyard always had a lot of clovers during new leaf. Whitepaw comes out of her memory and she prances around the territory, a smile on her face. She jumps around and laughs happily. She goes to a tree and sits next to it, looking up to see if the tree has any leaves. They have a few and as Whitepaw looks down, she notices a clover next to her paw. It's a big one, beautiful and alive. It sways in the little breeze there is. Whitepaw carefully digs it out, making sure not to damage it. She picks it with her teeth and she heads back to camp, heading towards her nest in the apprentices den and she places it carefully in her nest, making sure it stands out.

By Streams, Ponds, and the River
Fiercepaw exited camp. She was thirsty after running around and looking for clovers. She headed towards the river, padding slowly so she didn't waste any energy. She reached the river and dipped her paw in, testing to see how cold it was. It was ok. She lowered her head to take a drink when she a something green at the corner of her eye. Drinking quickly, she looked closely at the thing, she saw it was another clover. Her luck was great! She picked it carefully and looked at it, smiling. It was really bright, with a little bit of frost melting on it. She looked at the riverbank and realized that there were a lot of clovers there. She picked a tree and placed the clover she had found next to it. She quickly picked all the clovers and made a circle with the clovers, the tree inside the circle of clovers. Fiercepaw smiled and ran back to camp, refreshed. She went into the apprentices den and layed down in her nest, drifting off into sleep.
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Last edited by ~Fierce~; March 16th, 2021 at 02:07 PM.