Thread: Mistypool
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Old March 22nd, 2021, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: Mistypool

Originally Posted by A Weirdo View Post
Wishflight watched the other medicine cats go to sleep before she even drank some of the Mistpool's water. She liked to take her time with this kind of thing, but she was feeling sleepy now so it felt right. Taking a sip, she curled up and slept. She felt... cold. Very cold. It was like all her fur was gone and she was covered in snow on the coldest day, but maybe she was even colder than that. When she blinked open her eyes she saw nothing, and with rising panic, she tried to get up but found it felt like she really was covered in snow. It wasn't just cold it was icey. She sniffed the air for any sign of StarClan, but found nothing. No scent, just the smell of snow, or ice. "Anyone?" she shouted, but there was no answer. Nothing. She still couldn't see, and her eyes were definitely closed. She was starting to hurt all over, but it was from cold, not anything else. She began to struggle around, trying to move, but it seemed too hard without sight.
Wishflight jerked awake and was relieved to find she could still see, but what she was focused on now was what that dream had actually meant.
Fernpaw woke up with ease nothing happening in the dream just what a normal med coat would go through! "Whats wrong you look like you witnessed your friends die!"she yawned