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Old March 31st, 2021, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: A Hunt for Clovers!

Submission #1
(camp - dayheart)

Dayheart had been inspired. With all of the stuff around him starting to not be freezing cold, he'd gotten the idea to look for a four leaf clover. Three leaves just wasn't enough, even though all clovers were pretty cool. The first place he'd decided to search was camp, since he was already here. It wouldn't take that long, right?

Wrong. Dayheart had been tossing around everything on the ground in hopes that there would be a four leaf clover behind some obscure rock, but he'd been finding a grand total of no clovers. No worries though! He still had some time in the day to find one, although it was now some time in the afternoon and he was getting a little tired of the lack of success. Maybe he just had to believe more in himself. That was supposed to work. MMmm. Ok. He could do this he could do this he could do this. WOO. Go Dayheart! Hm, yes, that was the spirit. He'd definitely find one now.

He confidently turned over another rock with renewed energy. Okay... nothing there. He moved over to another area. The warrior swiped a few tufts of grass out of his way before he let out a loud squEAL. THERE WAS SOMETHING. WITH four leaves!!!! Dayheart positioned his paws so that he was sure to not step and smush it, because that'd be an unfortunate disaster and he'd probably cry.

He was sure it was a clover though, now that he had a clearer view of the beautiful four-leaf plant. It was slightly withered and didn't look like it was in the best shape, but it was great. Dayheart smiled as he bent down to collect it, holding it in his mouth with care. Yayyy!

Submission #2
(territory - spiderpaw)

Spiderpaw had been having a jolly good time doing nothing but sitting around the territory, enjoying the sound of silence. It wasn't 100% quiet, since the apprentice could hear a very distant bird doing some midday singing, but save for the few chirps of nature every now and then it was quiet and peaceful. Spiderpaw liked it. Most of the time it felt weird to be left alone with her thoughts, but she didn't have very many thoughts right now, and she felt some sort of inner calmness. She was sure that wouldn't last long, though, so she wanted to do something that would also make her happy and preserve that tranquil feeling.

Spiderpaw thought for a moment on something she could do, but nothing was coming to mind. When she spotted a shamrock in the corner of her vision, it gave her an idea - she could look for a four leaf clover! She was pretty sure those existed, but she'd never seen one with her very own eyes---- at least, not yet! Right now was a better time than ever. She had all the time in the world.

Besides, four leaf clovers were kind of rare, right? If they weren't, she would've seen one before already. Since they weren't super common, maybe she could brag about finding one! She was sure Buttface didn't have a four leaf clover, so it was perfect for bragging rights.

The territory seemed like an ideal place to look for a four leaf clover, since it was pretty big with all types of green stuff, so Spiderpaw began looking around near where she was. If there was a shamrock, there should be a clover with four leaves around here somewhere. There had to be. She wouldn't give up till she found one - although the more time she spent, the less she predicted she was going to find it fun. With a bounce in her step and a grin on her face, she began scouring the territory, pushing around blades of grass and checking the underneaths of small bushes. The dark-furred female wasn't finding anything yet, but her spirits were still high.

Fast forward a few hours later, and her spirits weren't so high anymore. By now, she was just annoyed. Where were all of the four-leaf clovers? So far she'd found just one more shamrock, which had been sort of beaten up and ripped apart. There'd been no clovers with more leaves than that, though, and Spiderpaw was getting ready to slash something. Spiderpaw breathed slowly, trying to calm down. The day wasn't over yet. She could still find one, and it'd all be worth it when she had a four leaf clover and could shove it in everyone elses faces. When it ended up rotting and dying, though, Spiderpaw would probably be pissed. That was a problem for later. For now, the apprentice was busy tearing up the territory looking for this stupid clover.

At last, Spiderpaw set her sights on a clover a little way away. It was sheltered by a bush that wasn't looking too good but was still sporting an array of leaves. It looked like the clover was sporting an array of leaves too - four! Spiderpaw leaned over to take a closer look and relish in her victory before she realized she'd seen wrong. It was three leaves. Not two. She felt a wave of oncoming fury and unsheathed her claws, ripping the clover angrily. STUPID! Where were all of the four leaf clovers? Did they even exist, or were they just part of tales made up for kittens and she'd fallen for the story? Either way, Spiderpaw was frustrated beyond words. She'd spent more than half the day looking for this clover. That peaceful feeling she'd had earlier had about disappeared, and Spiderpaw was ready to head back to camp without a clover. She was okay with believing those lucky clovers didn't exist. If they did, and she saw one later, Spiderpaw was more than willing to kill it. Ick. She hated them now for eluding her for so long.

With a loud, elongated sigh, Spiderpaw began heading back to camp, dejected. Her tail lay low between her legs. What a walk of shame.
Submission #3

(streams/etc - robinpaw)

Robinpaw was on the search for a worm. He'd been feeling a little lonely lately, and worms were the bestest of friends. He loved all of his worm buddies. Sadly, he hadn't seen many of them around lately, probably because it wasn't all too warm out. Still, he was hoping he'd be able to find one to hang out with. Cat friends just weren't the same -- although he'd love more of those, too.

His favorite place to go worm searching was near his favorite pond. It was the only pond he'd ever found worms near, although it was the only pond he really looked for worms at. It took him a few minutes to reach, but he got to the pond and eagerly began looking for a squishy worm buddy.

He wasn't finding any, but that was ok! He knew his worm friends would show up sooner or later - they always did, and he knew he could trust them! They never bailed on him when they were around. Robinpaw dug a few holes around in the ground, carefully looking for anything that moved. Alas, the dirt was still, save for a few crumbs of dirt falling from the top of the ground. He turned around, ready to head back home and go looking again tomorrow, when he spotted something cool. It looked like a peace of grass with four leaves at the very end. Cute! He'd never seen anything like it. He'd heard about it before though, somewhere. Hmmm... what'd they been called? Chills? Clears? Cl... Clovers!! Yes! That was it! They were clovers! Four leaf clovers!

And this was a pretty one! It was all perfect with uneven leaves and a wobbly stem! Robinpaw picked it up happily, standing in place for a second to admire it. He liked it. It could be his new best friend! He hadn't been able to find any worm buddies around lately, but a clover would work just fine! He was going to name it.... Worm. Wonderful!

He was happy with his new friend :)
“what a lovely misunderstanding
it got you smiling!
and because of such lovely misunderstanding
i’m smiling too”
