Thread: SkyClan Nursery
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Old November 10th, 2017, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by julean View Post

Beekit dragged himself with no hesitation into the serenity of the ordered nursery, peering in quietly and letting a smile grow on his small and weak face. He dived into the moss, happily and excitedly gazing around the somewhat crowded den. It was beautiful and neatly made; in all honestly, Beekit had fallen in love with the small, comfortable room. It was safe and tightly packed at a comfortable temperature, the sunlight that filtered in through even the smallest spaces dappling the mossy beds in bright, warm pools to bask in to heat one's pelt on even the hottest of greenleaf days at a perfect feel.

Peakit slowly woke up from her nap, feeling movement not far from her. She opened her eyes to an ocean of moss.
"Oops, looks like my head fell in again ..." The she-kit said to herself, sneezing away the few bits of moss that had made their way into her delicate nose. She often talked out-loud even if no one was there to hear her.
She was about to stay there, comfortably laying in her favourite spot, looking at the patterns the light took as the winds made the leaves move in unisson, when she remembered the reason she woke up in the first place. Stretching, she took a whiff of the scents around her. She recognised most of them, but ... one of them was different.
She looked around, squinting, her poor sight being little help at spotting the newcomer. She took some steps forward, and finally she could see a new kit, with a generously colored pelt. He seemed to be happy, and amazed, like it was the first time he'd seen this place.
She wondered what he was doing here. He looked too old to have been born while she had been asleep. Though ... he did seem to be on the frail side of things.
She figured the best way to find out was to simply ask.
"Hi !" She mewed. " You seem to like it here, is it your first time in the nursery ?"
If you want to roleplay with me, I'll always accept !