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Old November 14th, 2017, 09:08 PM
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Default Re: Fernclan & Roseclan

Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
*Inhales sharply* OKDONTJUDGEMETHISMAYBEAPIECEOFTRASHBECAUSEIHAVEN†™TMADEAROLEPLAYINLIKEFOREVER!!!! *Collapses on floor to breath.* Ok. Now that’s done and over with onto the actual thread we go!

@Merrypotatoes is co owner


A somewhat normal clan. Normal cats. Normal Ranks. Almost Normal rules. But not such a normal relationship with the neighboring clan. For some reason, as long as any cat can remember...Fernclan and this other clan has been total enemies. No cat knows why or how but no cat dares ask why. In either clan any good talk about the other will cause for you to be watched closely to see if your loyalty is with the other clan. The fuss these clans make over one another is impressing. In Fernclan the territory is a lush forest with many trees and underbrush. Their camp is rather rocky and hard compared to everything else but they still have many plants in it. Camp and Camp . They are sweet and always protect what’s right. They are honorable,truthful, brave, and unselfish. They help anyone in need. They are complete opposites of.. Roseclan.


Roseclan is pretty normal. Except-they have totally different rules. They act like complete animals (lol how weird is that cuz we talking about cats XD). And are the worst possible allies you can have. Before we get into all that...let’s talk about what they are surrounded with. Their territory is one that has very few trees. It’s a lot of open land and has lots of flowers (mainly roses) all around their territory (including at the border). Their camp is well hidden in a small underground cave. Camp entrance (I’ll leave your imagination to the actual cave). Their skin and paws are immune to getting pricked by thorns from roses all over their territory. Now here comes their behavior. They may seem nice and sweet but they can be rather hurtful and violent. (Hint hint roses and their thorns). They are rather aggressive and are untrustworthy. They are hesitant about who they help. Being cold and tricky are their middle name. They lie..a lot. No reason to trust them unless your in their clan. They play tricks and games and most of the time find ways that are unfair so they can win or get what they want. These cats are sweet talkers so they can talk you into doing something for them so they can personally benefit from it. Don’t let them trick you!

Who will you choose?

Fernclan Rules

Basically the same old rules accept for these:
•If you see a Roseclan cat, challenge it
•If the Roseclan Cat is on our side of the border, bring it to camp, unharmed or harmed if necessary.
•Do not speak good about Roseclan any cat who does will be accused of loyalty change.
•Help anycat (except Roseclan)

Roseclan Rules

•Leaders Word is law
•Leader can have as many mates as he/she pleases
•Fernclan And unknown cats will by lied to and used to our advantage
•If a Fernclan Cat is on our territory you have the right to severely injure that cat (must have players permission though)
•All unknown and Fernclan Cats on territory will be imprisoned until won back or won by Fernclan challenging us for a fight over them
•If Fernclan wins,they get their cat
•If Fernclan losses they will not get their cat and we can use he/she to our advantage
•Leaders and their mates eat first, then med cats, queens,deputy, warriors, kits, apprentices, elders, prisoners
•If a Cat is too week-leave them to die. No weakness in our clan. No wasting herbs and food on weak cats.
•Any cat that speaks good about Fernclan will become a prisoner until they are able to prove loyalty.
(Me thinks that’s it)


Rank(can only be a prisoner in Roseclan)-
Anything I missed?-
Name- Thornclaw, Poisonshatter
Age- 17 moons both
Gender- m,m
Clan- rose, fern
Looks- a brown cat with darker brown spots, a black and white cat.
Personality- tbrped both
Rank(can only be a prisoner in Roseclan)- prisoner, deputy
Other- no
Questions- nope
Anything I missed? Noooo
Whoever is reading this you deserve all the love and support from everyone. If youre ever sad you dont deserve to be sad. ILY!!