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Old November 17th, 2017, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Her last patient now gone, Caliapaw was muttering to herself and moving around, taking a look at the herbs that were remaining, her expression serious as she sorted through them. "We could use more chamomile... and yarrow..." Her voice trailed off as she took a mental note of everything that there was a lot of or less of. As far as she could tell, there wasn't much of a shortage of anything else - more catmint and borage couldn't have hurt, but Caliapaw was pretty sure those things would be in short order at the moment. She could only hope they wouldn't be sorely needed. Her green-gold eyes scanned the rest of the den next, examining the neatness of it. She'd been working on cleaning it up - sorting and such - and right now, everything was in perfect order. There had been no emergencies, thank StarClan, since Caliapaw doubted she would be able to deal with one at the moment.

Right now all she was good for was checking over wounds and cleaning scratches, which made her even more against the tension with WindClan. A lot of her clanmates weren't happy with it as well, but for different reasons; Caliapaw simply didn't want to struggle with figuring out how to fix the more serious wounds. She would end up losing more patients then she saved. The she cat was slightly angry with StarClan at the moment, for leaving her here alone without a mentor, and while Zerosight might be able to help her - he couldn't train her completely. The other medicine cats could help her as well, but Caliapaw really could have used Wheatfur alive right now. "I'm pretty sure the Clan wouldn't be too happy with me if I resigned or disappeared right now." The feline heaved a sigh, looking down at the ground.

She hadn't realized this was going to be that stressful. She hadn't realized that it was going to automatically make her "popular" either, otherwise she never would have agreed. All that was left now was to try and make Wheatfur proud and live up to the standards that she was pretty sure the Clan had already made for her.


"Go get your wounds checked Foxpaw. Go fetch some clean bedding Foxpaw. Go do this Foxpaw!" The ginger apprentice lashed her tail in anger as she limped into the medicine cat's den, her voice set in a mocking tone. She was not happy. The usually so bubbly, optimistic feline was down in the dumps, her ears pinned against her head in anger as she wandered into the den. So many things had happened lately in her life, and Foxpaw was not handling it well.

First of all, her uncle, her dear beloved uncle whom was like a father to her, had become deputy recently. And Foxpaw felt like he never had time for her anymore. Then she went into that gathering battle against the DS, getting many nasty scratches from that good-for-nothing tom Flame. And lastly, her mother had just died. Now, Foxpaw didn't have the best relationship with her mother, she had never been around much. But she still felt hurt when her mother died. But not sadness hurt. More like anger hurt. Anger that neither of her parents had ever been there for her when she needed them. Anger that her grandmother was so strict and wouldn't let her do anything fun. Anger that her mentor was never around much anymore, and she hadn't been appointed a new one. She had barely learned anything, most of what she knew was self-taught. And then there was her uncle, whose time for her was diminishing every second. Yeah, Foxpaw had reasons to be mad, upset, and angry. But with her optimistic nature, she would try to find the good in these things. She just couldn't though, her mind was too clouded up with the thoughts of all the bad that's been happening, to find the good in her situations.

Spotting Caliapaw, Foxpaw snorted at the thought of being treated by an apprentice. Probably one younger than herself too at that. She wished her great-uncle were still here. But he had gone... Somewhere... She had always enjoyed teasing him, but now he was gone. And she had to deal with Caliapaw. "I was forced in here by my grandmother to get my wounds checked. She thinks my shoulder wound is infected and wanted you to check it." Foxpaw spat, sitting on the ground and curling her tail over her paws. She might as well be here rather than wandering the camp aimlessly with nothing to do because her mentor was gone. I really need to get Passionblaze to talk to Snowstar about getting me a new one...

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