Thread: Cat Creator
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Old October 7th, 2016, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Cat Creator

[ QUOTE=Honeykit;2253]first one

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: Something along the lines of kind sweet and a little foregetful
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Loner
Preferred Rank: none (was warrior)
Preferred Age: idk[/QUOTE]

Name: Sundash (Just goes by Dash) (Sun: Her pelt color, Dash: The way her thoughts seem to just dash away from her)

Personality: Sundash is a kind, slightly spacey cat. She was known around the camp for her sunny disposition, but also for her tendency to forget things. Along with forgetfulness, Dash is pretty clumsy. It's not surprising anymore if she trips and tumbles head over tail to the ground. Despite her clumsiness and forgetfulness, Dash is a very happy cat. Her usual reaction to a mistake is to laugh it off and try again. Dash also enjoys helping others feel better, not liking it when other cats are sad. The only problem is that she's slightly oblivious and rarely notices her surroundings and the emotions of other cats. Dash enjoys teasing, but despite her oblivious nature, she somehow manages not to insult anyone. Perhaps because anyone who knows her knows that the innocent molly would never try to hurt anyone. Some may find Dash annoying, but if she ever notices, she won't care. Dash is innocent and naive, far too quick to believe what others tell her. She's also flighty and curious, known to run off in the middle of a conversation in order to inspect a butterfly or flower or really anything else. Even though Dash has some bad qualities and can annoy crankier cats, her bright personality tends to make up for it.

Appearance: Sundash is a pale golden/ginger she-cat. Her fur is short and soft, messy usually. She has a petite figure and small paws, as well as a thin tail. Her eyes are a bright yellow with thin whiskers fanning out above them and above her pink nose.

Gender: Female

Clan: Loner

Rank: Ex-warrior

Age: 20 Moons
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you