Thread: ELSGUARD rp
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Old December 15th, 2017, 11:53 PM
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Default Re: ELSGUARD rp

Originally Posted by Equinox View Post

Darkwings' expression was as blank as ever, but her red markings glowed steadily. "The head of the army?" she said. "What do you mean by that?"
I mean you each get a part of my army to lead i already didvided them into 4 sections the most inexperienced is the army of the dawn, next is army of the dusk, army of the sun, and my most elite is dragos fist" he said looking at drago as he said it "obviously i want you to lead it" drago shook his head "no give me the army of the dawn and i will make them into my fist" he said claw looked surprised but didn't question it "ok then I'll give it to darkwings and you can name it what you want" he said then suddenly his eyes widened "i sense a enemy army crossing into the kingdom 50 miles out from the city to the west you must go now and good luck" he said drago and arya rushed out together gathering their sections of the army and drago relayed his plan to spirit and darkwings through mental contact "We'll meet them at the valley entrance they'll be funneled through the narrow passage the slopes are covered with trees me and arya will take our forces and hide on either side while you and spirit engage them from the front when i give the signal me and arya will spring the trap and we will slaughter them" he said teleporting the armies into position he set his men up within minutes showing his ability to command new recruits and decided to give them a speech for the enemy was far out and they would have time to rest and stuff he spoke loud and clear so all his recruits could hear him "soldiers you know who i am and you know i am bonded to your king which means i usually get the special treatment but this time i gave up that special treatment and chose you guys as my army under my command i expect full respect and obedience and proper punishment will be handed out to those who break my rules, now we face a overwhelming force numbering in the 100's of thousands against our force of only 15,500 but if we plan this correctly and with the combined power of me arya spirit and darkwings we can win this battle so do not show fear do not run fight bravely for you are the soldiers of ELSGUARD AND ELSGUARD DOESN'T RUN DO THEY" he roared they roared back "NO" and he replied "THEN LETS SHOW THE ENEMIES WHAT WE'RE MADE OF ARMY OF THE DAWN" he roared the recruits chanted "dawns light shall break all darkness" then they settled down to wait (now you must talk to your armies i ain't doing aryas lol i will when they are charging into battle btw arya has the army of the sun and spirit has the army of dusk and you equinox get to name your army) ( @Silverfur & Co.) Its also funny that im listening to a song on repeat called the army of the dawn by tenside, christop von freydorf XD)
*looks around* the fact that i stumbled back here is amazing

picture credits go to my cousin who designed the logo specifically for me