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Old April 6th, 2017, 10:37 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz View Post

Jaguarclaw fell asleep soon after Marbledface did. He had listened to insure she did fall asleep first. Although as his eyes shut, he drifted off into his own little dream. Although the dream seemed to last mere seconds before he was being pulled back to consciousness. He could feel the cold earth between his head and forpaws and his hind legs. Confused, he lifted his head and pried his olive hues open, blinking sleep from his eyes and adjusting to the light. Once he was awake and somewhat understanding his surroundings, he felt the 'nest' he was laying in move. He pressed down slightly and noticed it was kind of squishy and the Bengal finally turned his head enough to realize there was a black and white pelt beneath him. Heat flushed his ears and his pelt stood on end for a moment before Jaguarclaw clumsily pulled himself to a sitting position, insuring he was in Marbledface's old nest and not his.

"Er... sorry..." he spoke softly, his ears half laid back in embarrassment while his paws worked nervously in the nest. His long front claws sank deeply into the bedding, tearing it slightly as he fidgeted. The Bengal wasn't sure what to say or what to do to make up for what he just did. It was the first anything like that had happened, although he was thankful that it was Marbledface it happened to. He wouldn't be able to face the clan if it happened to be some other warrior. Jaguarclaw's olive hues were focused on the bedding below the black and white warrior, unable to meet her gaze or even look at her face at that moment.
The same embarrassment was flushing through her so she didn't even notice that he was avoiding eye contact as she was herself. Once he was off she quickly scrambled into a sitting position and began kneading at the edge of the nest, trying to dissipate some of the tenseness that now bunched in her shoulders and along her spine. Though she didn't want this unease in the air for their whole first day back to normal, she wanted it to be normal. With a quick shake of her pelt and a calming breath she glanced up at the tom who was kneading her nest as nervously as she was with his. Marbledface would just pretend it hadn't happened, not dwell on it. They had so much to do, and she had so much to catch up on. The clan's makeup and regulations had completely changed while she was gone, evil era had just fallen and now the clan was at peace with themselves, the others and with Starclan again. Though she was far too suspicious of Starclan and their realities to become a full fledged believer again.

Marbledface dipped into a small stretch and tried her best to seem as though she wasn't lying for the next little bit. "Don't worry about it." She said, the corner of her mouth quirking up into a relaxed smile. Though she quickly let it fade and looked away again. "We've lots to do today, where should we start? I need to rebuild the nest, learn the boundaries again, non have changed have they? Oh, I also should do some hunting, get myself re-established..." She caught herself beginning to ramble nervously and snapped her mouth shut, turning to look over to Jaguarclaw for some direction. She'd do whatever he wanted to first, and she was excited to learn about how the clan was managing, she hoped well enough in this difficult time of year. Prey was most sparse right now, with leaf bare just leaving and the leaf green growth still waiting to come in.

Last edited by Ever; April 6th, 2017 at 10:38 AM.