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Old March 2nd, 2023, 10:58 AM
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elaif elaif is offline
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Default Victory or Death

Before this goes any further, A quick word of propaganda from our sponsor:

Cats of Shadowclan...
We have suffered endlessly under the cruel tyrant we call leader. Dawn'star.
She has abused her power for far too long. Her reign of terror has left nothing but unneeded bloodshed and death. And the fact of the matter is that she has over done her stay, and it is due time to take action. I won't sit back and let the torment unravel any father... and neither should you.
We will rise together and take back the peace we deserve. The peace Shadowclan deservers, and the peace all clans deserve. Dawn'stars ideals have tainted every other clan as well, and it is our duty to cleanse the stains that she left. This task is not for the faint of heart, our actions might result in death, but don't let that stop you. It is but a mere sacrifice in the grand scheme of things. So without hesitation I ask you, live in continuing darkness or take a stand? Victory or death? That my friend is up for you to decide...
~ Haven'gaze ~
That's right folks... What better time to start a rebellion?
This is basically an attempt to rise against 'The Queen of Shadows' and her goons. Hopefully we can make a change in the course of the clan, but this isn't a guarantee. So for the sake of all things let's hope there's enough Dawn haters in Shadowclan
What we'll be doing:
Depending on how much attention this gets, it could vary. If we get enough ppl to hop on the bandwagon, then we'll try and go as big as we can. But if we don't, it'll basically be just a group of angsty cats who openly defy Dawn'star (which is fine lol)

How it's going to work:
To keep things from getting out of control I'll try to organize this as much as possible.
The cats running this rebellion will be Haven'gaze and hopefully 2 others( or known as One of the Three). Haven and the other two will be the ring leaders, so to speak. They'll go over possible actions that defy Dawn'star, picking and choosing whichever ones that are logically effective.
And then we have the rest of the gang. Just everyone else who wants to join the cause. Anyone is allowed to give an idea on what means of actions we should take, BUT permission is NEEDED before such things are committed.

Things to remember:
1. If you are looking to join this, stay at least somewhat active
2. Anything excessive like Throwing out HR is a big no-no (unless we get perms from the HR)
3. Your OCs might obtain punishments or certain death :,D
4. This will most likely be a total flop, so don't expect anything to impressive to come out of this.
5. Anybody is allowed to join this, they just a need a reason(the reason doesn't have to be noble it can just be something simple).
6. You don't have to have to agree with Havens ideologies.
7. As of right now, this is just a finder. Plots and rebellious actions will be discussed in a later time when we have the cats to do so.
8. If your character has an idea for a plot (when the time comes) VM me so I know what's happening.
9. As of right now, ANY CLAN cat can join, it would be more of 'moral support' but maybe we would be able to rope them into bigger plots, if they are willing that is.
(I'm sure other clan cats are allowed to join the cause, but this is on the fence currently)
If your cats would like to be 'one of the three' plz keep these things in mind when applying :

Current slots open: (1/3)

*This isn't first come first serve
* Any ranking cats( execpt kits) can be one, just so long as they have a good head on their shoulders
* If your OC makes it in this role, then be prepared to come up with plots and be ready to discuss things that are related to such.
*We DO NOT have authority over anyone, we are here to keep things organized. While it is highly recommended that others listen to the Three, it is not a requirement.
* This role is mainly here to make things run smoother, it's nice to have more than one opinion on how things should happen.
* And lastly, if you want this role plz stay active.

I won't be picky when it comes to joining, so just throw your cats down and follow the form

Age and ranking:
Reason why you would like to join:
Are you looking to be One of the Three?: Y/N
Character page(or brief character run down):
Mention me: @Leafí
Alright, I think that's it folks! Have a great day AND PLZ JOIN
To anyone one wondering, yes this is legal, and I did ask Undertaker if this was fine. So, this isn't anything against the law X3

Who we have so far:
•Thorn'claw (@/~*Hope*~ )
•Dunlin'paw and Yowling'ear (@/Rei )
•Aster'snap (@/Yugo. )
•Sage'paw (@/Valery)
•Cinder'paw possible Thc ally(@/littlelove)
•Butterfly'brook (@/Rose)
•Pine'paw (@/Lovey-Dovey Ashie)
•Shrew'stone (@/Ravensong)
•Soot'fur possible Thc ally(@/Wingnettle)
•Night'spark possible Rc ally (@/WhiteDawn )
•Walnut'paw (@/AlreadyMadness)
•Ghost'stalker (@/Guardian Fox )
•Night'stalker and Mint'branch (@/MangoLovesCheese)
•Poison'paw (@/~_LuzNoceda_~ )
•Flame'heart Possible Thc ally(@/SpiritedWarrior)
•Aster'dance Possible Thc all (@/x ghostie )
•Clover'sun (@/ RedAnger)
•Fox'tooth (@/Scallywagz)

"All aboard the octrain!"
Kat, Vampire, Darl... These are my prisoners... They will never escape...

Last edited by elaif; March 22nd, 2023 at 08:29 AM.