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Old August 20th, 2017, 11:28 AM
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Mousy Mousy is offline
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Default Murder in WinkClan

This is a redo of the original thread
Credit to @Vanellen for having this idea in a role play @Boba Fett - here you go

A current resident of WinkClan is slowly killing its inhabitants. Every day, more and more cats are disappearing, being killed. Deciding to take action, the cats vote out members of the clan, one by one. However, will it be enough to stop the threat and find the killer? Or will they slowly diminish to nothing and will the killer win?

This game is basically like a murder mystery game. We will also role-play a little bit.
Nobody is allowed to reveal their role to anyone, as this kills the purpose of the game!
-- Please don't role-play between exiles and kills
-- If you have been killed, you can't vote due to being in Starclan!
-- You can't "reserve" a cat. First come, first serve for spots in the round!
-- You can't join mid-round
-- Be respectful to all players
--You can only have one cat
-- Please, do not ask the game leader to make you the killer. The killer is picked randomly, by surprise.

The game starts when 9 (or more, but it has to be an odd number) cats join the game. The Game Leader is then decided by which name is next in the queue, and he/she PMs the player roles out to the participating members. These roles include:

:: The Murderer ::
This player is the target of all the other players. During each round, before the Voting Stage, the Killer Cat PMs their target to the game leader. Despite this, the Killer Cat still votes during the voting stage. It's recommended (and warned) that this cat should and probably will try to remain anonymous in the group and act natural.

:: The Guard ::
The guard cat's role is to protect a certain cat. At any point in the round, the Guard cat can PM the Game Leader the cat he/she wants to protect. The protected cat is protected from the Killer cat's attacks. However, if the Guard cat doesn't PM the round leader before the Killer does, it's effects are null.

:: The Witnesses ::
There are two witness cats. These cats act like the citizen cat and don't have an ability they can use to protect/kill another member, but witnessed a key event or has a key fact that points to the identity of the killer. They aren't allowed to reveal their role nor their hint, but may accuse anycat as much as they want, and convince others to do the same.

:: Mates / Best Friends / Siblings ::
These cats are very close, and are almost always together. If one cat in the pairing dies, or is exiled, the other will kill itself. There will be one pair.

:: Warrior Cats ::
These cats are completely regular. At least 60% of the players fall into this category. These players don't do anything except for during the Voting Stage, when they post their vote in the thread on who they think the Killer cat is. This cat can be A kit, apprentice, warrior, or elder.

:: Start Of The Round ::
The Guard Cat has until the Killer Cat sends in his PM to decide who to protect.

:: The Kill ::
The Game Leader writes a theatrical version of the kill and posts it in the thread after he receives the PM from the Killer Cat. Whether or not there are any hints in the text pointing towards the killer is completely up to the writer; the text is mostly made to be enjoyed.

:: Voting Stage ::
All cats post who they think the killer is in the thread. The killer also posts in the thread but tries to draw attention to some cat else by voting for another cat.

:: Banishment ::
The cat with the most votes is banished from the round. The Game Leader also writes a theatrical version for this.

After the round ends and we start all over again till the Killer is finally caught.

These are the three ways the game can end!

-- The Killer is voted off. [The Clan Wins!!]
-- The Killer is left alone with a witness. [The Clan Loses!!]
-- The Killer successfully kills all the other members.[The Clan Loses!]

Form for joining-
Short description:

This is what you will use if you're host-
(Write the kill or exile first)
Leader: Name//gender// Username

Deputy: Name// gender// Username

Med cat: name// gender// username

Med apprentice: name//gender//username





I will be first host
Hi! If you ever need someone to talk to or anything, you can always come to me! I'll always try to respond. If your ever afraid to say your opinion, just remember, there was someone who said "Let's make a movie about a tornado.. Full of sharks.


Last edited by Mousy; August 20th, 2017 at 11:50 AM.