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Old August 16th, 2019, 12:54 AM
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Fawn Fawn is offline
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Default life, death, and other curious anomalies of the universe [private]

"The tragic hero, a classic trope." It was a musing to himself, thoughts drifting in the expanse of tranquility. Bravestep's reflections extended beyond the boundaries of his deliberations over his tongue and presented themselves to whoever was in his vicinity, though he deemed himself fortunate that Thunderhowl didn't appear offended by the topic. "Ah, an... abnormality twisting and boggling the minds of even the most diligent of observers-- scholars! It's said the true tragic hero is the tom who realizes the error in his ways, perhaps even after it is too late to apply appropriate amendments, often the downfall of his character." The ramble carried on, his voice fluctuating with the excitement of knowledge and discovery, his passion lacing the words in unique affection. In a more physical state, rare was the day he could chat endlessly about matters that his peers might find irrelevant, tiresome (it weighed heavy on his cultured soul), and he was quite tickled to have the rest of eternity to himself and Thunderhowl. "Yet, doesn't that nonsensically promote villainous views? Purity of heart is a matter unconsidered, similar to that of he who reverts to his evil mannerisms."

Dropping the murk of metaphorical and introspective language, Bravestep was filled with ruminations of cats they had acquainted themselves with in a past life. Deceptionstar. Halestar. Blazingnight. Windystar. Winterstar. Forestshade. Daydream. Bravestep and Thunderhowl themselves. The examination of unstable morality was a fascinating debacle.

"Oh, I beg your pardon," Bravestep said suddenly, shaken from his stupor. "That was a bloody tangent, yes? Yes. Ah." He cleared his throat and blinked away the discussion to resume at a later time, then redirected his focus to Thunderhowl with a winning smile that still glittered with youth and naïveté. "Have I lulled you to sleep?" he inquired at his companion's large, scarred form that hardly seemed like a vessel capable of such peaceful slumber.

On a similar note, Bravestep was merely relieved that meta-physical beings didn't require mortal needs when his attempts at rest were never... particularly brag-worthy.


everything about us is going to be wonderful
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